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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. I'm not too picky with my harnesses most of the time. In clear water I will stick with smaller Colorado blades and a more neutral colour, and in dark waters I like willow blades and bright colours with more beads and floaters. A good presentation is far and away the most important factor in my opinion. Most of my 'harness' fishing is a couple beads and a small Colorado blade and a couple shot for creek specks lol. Also a deadly tactic for inland bows trolled across the middle of the lake right on top!

  2. Depending on the severity of the hatch, you may need to adjust your tactics. I find smaller hatches don't affect the bite much, but large hatches force you to change your tactics. If the walleye are keyed in on them (which they may or may not) they will likely be shallow, even during the day, and small hardbaits, as well as lightweight lindy rigs can work really well! Never found that it hindered the fishing very much.

  3. Gulp! is not plastic, as someone has mentioned. I would listen to Sinker about the worm harness thing, obviously he's got them dialed in, but something else to consider is lindy rigging a leech on the weed edges. Panfish seem to leave leeches alone, even in spots where worms are getting devoured by them.

  4. Cured minnows are very effective, but are typically soft and come off easy, so if you have to impart an aggressive jigging action they're no good imo. Gulp minnows are almost always my number 1 for walleye, and have on many occasions outfished guys with live bait because of how much more aggressive you can fish them on structure like boulder flats and weedbeds. And ripple tail or 'fluke' style bait can be deadly effective really. I'm not really sold on using gulp on the crawlers but I'm told it works. Also, crankbaits of course are a must. Husky jerks and Wally divers are my two favourites

  5. Graph helps big time. I don't have a high end graph that can read like that but I stick to jigging only on high-percentage areas that I know are holding fish, and as someone else mentioned, heavy jigs are a must so you can stay perfectly vertical. I would suggest trolling until you get a better idea of where the fish are setting up on structure then go from there

  6. Try approaching an educator with that argument. I know a few, and I'm sure they'd love to be likened to 'some guy on the street'. No one is 'imposing' their views on anyone, merely educating. I guess you don't believe in drug education either? It's well documented around the world that societies with extensive sex-ed youth programs and more liberal views on sex in general have far lower STI and teen pregnancy rates. I guess people hard facts don't mean much when your mind is sealed shut to new ideas.

  7. How exactly are kids getting homosexuality forced on them??? By being taught that it exists, and that it's okay? I guess you'd rather have educators, guidance counsellors etc remain silent about the topic and let those poor kids spend their entire adolescence confused and likely bullied and depressed? Any idea how high the suicide rate is amongst homosexual teens, even in Canada? Its scary high, and this hear nothing see nothing say nothing model of sex education in this country has a lot to do with it. It's amazing the level of homophobia that is tolerated on this board. And no I didn't vote liberal in the last election but I like to think I'm level headed enough to see this is a progressive move towards a more inclusive society. One day my daughter will be taking part in these classes and I'm glad for it.

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