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About tmacinc

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  1. I'm pretty confident that you cant say that wood is a cheap fuel source when you live in an urban environment. It has a very low density of energy and unless you can cut your own, it can be pretty expensive to buy, move, and store in the city. Also, qc electrical rates are low enough that with a low cost heat pump system you can heat for cheaper than you can with natural gas in Ontario.
  2. I wear good quality socks with those hand warmer pads in them. Add one on top and one under for cold days and another near my ankles if needed. If you still get cold, get out of the water for a bit and walk.
  3. I think this sounds like a step in the right direction. I have only just started trying river fishing and I would have loved to try the salmon run this year but everything that I've seen online has turned me off of it so I didn't bother.
  4. Hobie is the ultimate if money is no option and you can have a boat that most people cant lift themselves. Jackson wins after that, lots of models at different price points. They're comfortable for a full day of fishing and are stable enough to stand in. I love my Coosa. http://jacksonkayak.com/jk-kayaks/?d=fishing-hunting
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