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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Yea, I here ya, flowers and doobies ought to sort out the terrorists and nutbars well enough.

    Sometimes its better to look at the root causes of stuff rather than constantly treat the symptoms. Would you rather change your diet or take medication for your diabetes for the rest of your life? Maybe we should look into rehabilitating people rather than locking them away and having them stew in their own angst for several years. Not saying they shouldn't be punished, but you can't just lock someone up for an extended period of time and expect them to come out as a functioning member of society. These people get to this stage in their lives for a reason. They feel like outcasts or they feel like they don't have a purpose. Joining ISIS or any other terrorist organization definitely gives them a purpose. Look at the Nazis in WWII. Hell, look at the rest of the world at that time. We just thought we had a more noble cause.


    But no, the easy answer is to arm everyone and shoot or imprison anyone who looks suspicious or dares to believe in the wrong god... Because that makes us think we're safe.


    I don't want Canada to become a place like our neighbours to the south where everyone lives in fear and everyone thinks they need to carry a gun everywhere they go. Trust me, I'm definitely not anti-gun, but I also think guns as self defense is a really poorly thought out idea.

  2. I can't stand Italo anyway. Seems very condescending. Always talking down to his wife and the guides. But I'm sure it's what Jesus would do...


    Anyway, I didn't see what happened after he kept that fish on shore for 5 minutes, but he is one of the few TV hosts that actually keeps some of the fish he catches. Not sure if that's what he did here.

  3. They are enforcing the rule this year about batters not leaving the batters box between pitches, something that's always been there just never enforced.


    And holding teams to stricter timing between half innings for warmups so there isn't 2 minutes of commercials for every 5 minutes of action (this isn't the NFL after all). One thing about the Jays is they have some of the fastest working pitchers in the league. If Mark Buehrle went up against Mark Buehrle every night games would be over in 90 minutes.


    Another thing I think they could introduce is relief pitchers not needing warm-ups when they finish their bullpen warm-ups. There's no need for them to throw more once they get into the game.


    I personally feel a pitch clock would be the worst idea ever because then pitchers would feel pressured to throw and quality would go down.


    Aside from all that, a lot of this has to do with the way the game is played these days. Cy Young's 2 no-hitters had a combined 5 K's on the ledger while yesterday's Jays game Jays batters struck out 12 times, and a lot of people thought they batted well. 12 K's! Getting an out in 3 pitches takes a lot less time than a 7 pitch strikeout. On top of that, a lot of teams are coached to push pitch counts, since the entire league seems to be run on this obsession with pitch counts rather than looking at actual fatigue, or working towards longevity. Just go out and throw as hard as you can 100 times and worry about TJ surgery later. Then, as stated above, you have to use 6 pitchers (like the Yankees did yesterday) which slows things down even more...

  4. Anybody want to give up some hints as to where some good crappie (or perch) spots are near Fergus? Not GPS coordinates for where to throw my line, but just some general ideas so I can get my line wet. Still new to the area and doing all I can to observe the locals. Today I saw someone with a spinning rod on the bridge over the Grand at Scotland Street. Didn't think that stretch of river would hold anything considering its pretty much locked in with dams. I know a lot of people go to Guelph Lake and Belwood Lake and Island Lake in Orangeville for ice fishing, but I'm not sure the ice is completely out at those places.

  5. To keep abreast of the game I just watch Ken Burns documentaries on PBS like yesterday when his latest series ran back to back all day.

    The Ken Burns baseball documentaries are awesome. I think I've watched the whole series on Netflix 3 times.




    players don't want to play in Toronto because the field is crap and too hard on their bodies. we'll see how it works out this year with new turf, they took out the sand component in the fill which made the old turf heavy and very hard as is compacted


    only 2 teams in baseball have artificial turf, Toronto and Tampa, guess which 2 teams have players that want to leave or can't attract big name players

    Correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation. The artificial turf in those two coffins is terrible, but I'm not sure players are so repulsed by it that they want to leave or has anything against atracting big name free agents. I think the policy of not signing players to longer than 5 year contracts has something to do with the big A-list free agents. And before you say anything, artificial turf has no effect on pitchers, so don't even go there. When the team is consistently winning, players will play there even if it's an old sandlot behind Yasgur's farm.


    I am a diehard Jays fan and I am also very cautiously optimistic about this season. They have to get out to a quick start and being 1-0 definitely helps. The true test of this team will be in August and September when these young pitchers are getting into pitching more than twice the number of innings they're used to. The situation they're in is very romantic, but I still think outside help is on the way if they can keep their heads above water come trade deadline.

  6. The towing capacity for a truck or SUV is the maximum weight that you can pull with that vehicle. The capacity takes into consideration several factors, including the gross vehicle weight and the design of the vehicle in question. If you try to exceed recommended capacities, you put yourself in danger because the load you are towing affects braking and handling. You can also cause serious damage to the vehicle's drive train if you exceed the limits that the vehicle is capable of towing.


    When you hear the term gross vehicle weight, this is the weight of a truck or SUV when it is fully loaded. "Fully loaded" means with all fluids topped off, any optional equipment installed on the vehicle and the combined weight of passengers and cargo in the vehicle at the limit as found on the vehicle's tire and loading information label. It is important that customers should never exceed the tire load limits by having a combined weight of passengers and cargo that exceeds the limit found on their vehicle's tire and loading information label.




  7. What kind of job do you have where you can watch sports for the first few hours, I gotta get me one of those gigs. Sorry I can't help with the question. I don't watch much sports any longer. you too netminder, I hope your bosses aren't reading this. Man I'm getting old. We weren't allowed to read the newspaper in the Pyrometer rooms on day shift.

    Not watch, listen. Just something in the background. No more distracting than listening to podcasts or even just regular music radio. Not that even watching the odd mid-week afternoon baseball game would be all that distracting anyway. It's not like you really need to pay attention to baseball lol. That being said, when I take work home with me I always have the game on while sitting at the dining room table anyway.

  8. A lot of times those MLB TV etc. subscription packages don't let you watch games in your market, ie the blue jays. Be careful when signing up for them. I did purchase the MLB radio (cheapest) package so I could stream Jays games through the computer at work since it was actually cheaper to do that and buy cheap speakers than it was to buy a decent radio with a digital tuner, and being where I am getting reception is sketchy at best with anything less.


    You sound a lot like me in my cable/TV usage, but in the end I decided it's best to tough it out if you want to watch live sports. It's really the only way TV gets you any more these days since sports is basically the only thing you can't watch on PVR.

  9. It's about that time of year where my group of four looks into booking a fishing trip to the north. The main thing we want to target is walleye. We'd likely end up going sometime in July, although every year we say that's too late, but it's the best we can do due to work schedules.


    It's a father/son excursion, and we've done this twice so far. The first year we went to a place near Chapleau which, in my opinion, turned out to be a fairly good fishing hole after some persistence and some much needed advice from the camp owner. The second year we went to a place near Matachewan and the fishing was a lot tougher, but that could have been due to a front that was rolling through at the time (my excuse). The place near Chapleau had nicer accomodations too (equipped with hydro, which was a definite bonus over the Matachewan place), but it's only downfall is it's about a 9 hour drive from our home base, which for at least one in the truck was too far. I think if we can find a place more in the 6 hour range, which probably cuts us off around 560/144, with decent fishing and livable accomodations we'd be happy this time (if it was up to me I'd go back to Chapleau, but I don't think it's my turn to decide).


    Just so you know too, one of the guys is a definite non-fisherman, but that never stops him from catching the biggest fish of the trip. The rest aren't much better either but we kind of know the basics.


    So, anyone have any advice on a semi-remote place they've been to lately? Any and all suggestions are welcome.



  10. Easy does it, the guy did battle cancer.

    Thought crossed my mind too...


    As for the sens leafs game tonight I wouldn't count the leafs out already, they always seem to beat Ottawa when the senators could use a win. But who cares, the Habs are playing a good team playing for their playoff lives. Should be far more entertaining.

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