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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Two sentences: Jose Bautista is a baus. Buck Showalter is an arse.


    Showalter demanding respect for his players? You've got to be kidding. Every team he's managed has never been afraid to throw at guys. It'll be at the hands of one of his pitchers that someone will be "lying on the ground in a pool of blood" - his own words.

  2. In the summer brook trout typically hang out along the thermocline as well. A good graph will pinpoint the thermocline, but usually I just drop a thermometer down. And yeah, in my experience the trout cruise right along the thermocline in the summer.


    As far as smallmouth and brook trout coexisting, I don't believe it's possible unless you're talking put and take stocked waters.


    The introduction of bass in natural brook trout lakes is typically a death sentence. If the trout do survive the fishery will be a shadow of what it used to be.

    I think that's exactly what happened at a lake near where I gre up. Used to be able to catch trophy sized specks, and now the lake is overrun with lunker bass. No idea the actual history of this place (I should ask my grandfather), but I suspect the trout were actually stocked there for a while when there was a small hunting/fishing camp there. Once the stocking stoped the perch and bass took right over. Just a guess on my part... Although I was told you can still find small trout in the creek that feeds this lake. But like most here I'm having trouble believing they can coexist

  3. Funny why MTL /Ott game gets a extra day off.Was looking forward to the sweep :P .

    I thought the same thing too. Not exactly ice hockey... but I noticed the Raptors game is tonight and game 3 isn't until Friday. They played basically every night in the regular season and now they play 3 in 9?


    Anyway, Go Habs!

  4. Bell's Lake near Markdale stocks Brookies, and a lot of them too according to the MNR fish-on website. Also should be even more this spring if what I read is true (probably close to 10,000). I wouldn't be surprised if the large quantity had something to do with the bass that I've seen in that lake too.

  5. stocking would be the wise choice

    The MNR has to start treating local fisheries as a put and take fishery. These are great opportunities to grow the sport with tones of accessibilities for everyone to enjoy.

    Look at many local fisheries in urban centers in the states. they stock the heavily and promote them as put and take fisheries bringing $1000's of dollars into local communities and promote fishing as part of an outdoor lifestyle for everyone to enjoy.

    by closing icefishing for walleye your just taking money out of local businesses pockets. Lets support our fishery by making it accessible in areas where it makes sense


    just my 2 cents



    True. But I geuss there has to be some sort of cost analysis done here too. You may be worried about taking money out of the bottom of the food chain by banning ice fishing or fishing altogether, but stocking programs aren't free either, and who's going to pay for it?

  6. Seriously???


    Stone could barely hold is stick after that slash. He had his arm all wrapped up after the game and is missing today's practice because he is off getting and MRI.


    The gloves are off, I say scramble patchaspaghetti when he gets back, run Price and put him out and make suban pay dearly for the slash.


    Classless habs, the whole organization is a joke.

    Omg overreact much? Subban got what he deserved. It wasn't malicious it was something that happens all the time every game. Stone was just unlucky there

  7. Just wondering if there's any info around about the Grand upstream of Belwood? All the internetting and Googling I can do has come up empty. The GRCA website has little info on anything even in the Grand Valley area. At first glance I almost thought it might be a decent speckled trout fishery. Any wisdom is appreciated.

  8. Yes I know, and I'm sorry I used your post as an example, but every year around the spawn these things come up, and every year there are people who really think it would be a sensible idea, and they have no idea what they are proposing.

    well if they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.

  9. There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best.


    The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.

    War and pestilence might be taking it a step too far... but yes, the world is overpopulated. When I hear of people having more than two children this day and age all I can think is 'selfish'.

  10. Are the people catching the Walleye unaware of the regulations or do they just not give a crap? Blows my mind. The MNR should deputize some civilians if they don't have the man-power!

    That actually makes too much sense to happen, sadly. I also agree with the shaming aspect. More people need to get upset over this, and not just accept it for what it is.

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