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Posts posted by netminder

  1. lol - the honey badger... There was one of those nature documentaries on PBS a while back about the honey badger. This guy had one in his nature preserve for some reason - I think someone had it as a pet and realized eventually it wasn't a good idea. Anyway, he eventually had to take everything out of it's open air pen because it would move sticks, logs, rocks etc. to the wall and climb out, destroy the house and harass the other animals (including lions). Even when everything was removed he would roll up balls of mud and then climb out. Not to mention it also figured out how to open the latch on the gate too...


    As for the lions, the owner of the sanctuary said the badger would run between the legs of the lion and bite his testicles. However, the second time it didn't end well for the badger. He survived, but barely.


    I didn't realize even the badgers in this part of the world were so ferocious. I'll be well served to keep my and my dog's distance.

  2. you should have taken pictures of him taking the hook out and releasing it :)

    There's this too... why does every fish need to be posed for? Or do you just need an opportunity to hold it 6' in front of you and make sure you have the wide angle lens on the camera so the fish looks 3 x the size it actually is?

  3. The thought behind that, they would also have to fine anyone that was taking pictures of in season fish (and releasing them) and had done so with each fish beyond the daily possession limit.

    Again, it comes down to the people in the field to take the brunt of the legislation while the pencil pushers and lawmakers get to feel like they've done something. Kudos to them for putting some practical sense into this matter

  4. All I said was it's not a good idea to post the pic. Since this topic is readily viewable by the entirety of the interwebs, you don't need to encourage the mouth breathers out there that it's no big deal. Not saying it is a big deal, we just don't need more people doing it. And yes, it's a smallie - we do have more than enough of those as it is. 1 fish isn't the end of the world, 100 and then there might be an issue, even if they're released again they've still left their spawning beds unguarded.


    It's a complicated issue. I know I've caught fish out of season when targeting something else - especially bass. I just don't tell anyone!


    Good job on the first fish though- there will be many more to come, I'm sure!

  5. I don't think it will spell the end-times if you're forced to stop using lead split-shot. There really is no "safe" level of lead exposure either. But the thing is, it's not an end user issue, except here. Lead is banned in electronics because it makes for unsafe work environments (ever wonder why electronics fail and overheat more often now?)


    No worries. Put in at Walkerton but got out somewhere quite a ways down. Not past Paisley though. Lotsa friggin' river to roam that's for sure.

    Yeah, to properly do it justice all the way from Walkerton to Southampton you need at least two days. Last time I did we stopped in Paisley the first night at the campground. Starting anywhere further upstream towards Hanover or Durham is a waste of time. You'd end up portaging further than boating.

  7. pretty much confirms my opinion, thanks guys!


    Although I did get an email from the GRCA saying the MNR stocked 500 Browns and the GRCA put in an additional 240 rainbows yesterday in Rockwood, in case anyone is concerned :)

  8. I'm taking my young cousin fishing this Sunday and was trying to decide where to go. Looking for a fun and easy place to get to and have narrowed it down to island lake in Orangeville or Rockwood park. I'll be bringing a canoe. Any suggestions or tips on which spot is better this time of year? I know Rockwood stocks trout and island lake should be good for crappie and perch.


    Which would you choose?



  9. some storm water management ponds in newer subdivisions have fish as well



    yeah hows that?

    I remember a story of a contractor confusing the sanitary and storm connections on a bunch of houses in a subdivision resulting in some "brown trout" swimming in the stormwater management pond

  10. I think it was the mpp from my old riding that suggested that...


    Also, as for the liberals "winning" the last election, I think it was more like the other parties lost. It was like voting for a giant loser or a turd sandwich.



    Aww, looks like one of the admins/mods didn't appreciate my South Park reference ;) .

  11. Maybe the liberals can govern T.O. and the rest of us can choose another party.

    I think it was the mpp from my old riding that suggested that...


    Also, as for the liberals "winning" the last election, I think it was more like the other parties lost. It was like voting for a giant loser or a turd sandwich.

  12. Was just reading the write-up from the game on the Baltimore Sun. Funny how they said in the article on April 12 Bautista was pitched "high and tight". It was thrown behind him! However, the people commenting on the article agreed with Jose's sentiment, even if they didn't appreciate his antics.


    I for one hope nobody gets a ball thrown at their head. If you need to do something, hit Jones in the ribs or the hip. Otherwise, just beat up on them on the scoresheet. Things like this can get scary real quick.

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