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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Labour accounts for 60% of corporate expenses. I wonder where a "businessman" would start cutting if he were PM. Great way to bring jobs to the country....


    And while parliament isn't in session, I don't know how much "work" a PM can do. part of politicking is getting your face out there amongst the masses and taking the temperature of the electorate, not hiding away in an office avoiding press and exposure. If we weren't constantly reminded, I bet many Canadians would have forgot what Harper looked like. Accountability? Sure. How many press conferences was Harper available for that he didn't march out on because he didn't like the questions being asked? His very first press conference as PM he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't mandate which reporters could ask him questions.


    Just thought I'd throw that in there before this gets locked.

  2. As dutch said.


    I enjoyed it. Not every report needs 8 thousand pictures and 10 page write up.


    I seen a nice fish, a canoe, nice weather and a happy angler...


    10/10 in my book

    I actually prefer this style of report. Tell me what it is, how big it is, how you caught it and when, then show me a picture and I'm more than happy. I don't need to know what you ate, what brand the coffee was, or how many loons you saw on the lake.

  3. There's a lot more that needs to be fleshed out here. At first glance and as someone who knows nothing about this story, I'd have to say that hunters and trail users do not mix. And why someone would want to hunt in a bush that the public has access to for other recreational purposes seems odd to me. But then, why someone would want to hike a trail through a bush where people are hunting seems off too. However, I'd have to assume there are more "others" than hunters. And the others should have the right to feel safe without some yahoo shooting while they're on the trail (keep in mind there I'm not saying necessarily any hunters are like this, but all it takes is one incident to ruin it. Luckily there haven't been any yet).


    Personally, I think it should be one or the other. Either it's for recreation, hiking, camping, etc. or it's for hunting. Even if it was just off limits to hikers for a few months in the fall/winter for hunting would make sense. Maybe a compromise. But to have both going on at the same time seems irresponsible.

  4. I'm not sure where the 'clean' electricity is going to come from. Burning oil, gas, or coal to produce it contributes to the green house gases. There are plenty of opponents of nuclear, solar, wind.(The NIMBY's in our area are putting up a vigorous fight against wind). Our best hope might be to have millions of hampsters on treadmills being fed corn.

    But that bold part of your statement would be incredibly inefficient. The hamsters wouldn't be able to convert anywhere near the food energy input into energy output to the wheels, and the cost and energy required to produce the corn would be prohibitive :sarcasm:


    As for the NIMBY's, maybe if Trump continues to oppose turbines (or windmills, as he calls them) maybe more people will come around to them just to spite him.


    I think the more green energy, renewables and carbon neutral power sources like nuclear are out there and the misinformation surrounding them is vetted and disposed of the more people will become accepting of them. We need to move away from fossil fuels and of course it isn't going to happen tomorrow, but someday soon, and maybe sooner than you realize.

  5. I hate this speculation game... Just make some signings and start playing again!


    I do really hope they do give EE another shot, throw the fans and a loyal player a bone. It'll be a while before he signs anywhere because he is probably the most sought after power hitter in this current free agent market. Jose, I'll be sad to see him go. He was my favourite player for the past few years and has provided a lot of great memories, but I don't think he is high on the priority list or part of the long term needs of this team.


    I'm all for trading a bit of power for some speed, contact and a look at the left side of the plate or a switch hitter. The Jays have sufficient power even if they lose EE and JB with the likes of Donaldson, Martin and Tulowitzki (of course they have to play up to their reputation too). It's going to be a different team next year for sure, and I doubt there are going to be any defensive holes.

  6. FYI, it's actually pretty rare to have a President who lost the popular vote, it's only happened 5 times in US history (1824, 1876,1888, 2000 and 2016).


    Just did the math, there have been 56 Presidential elections, so just under 9% of elections have had this outcome.

    And this was the same thing that got Michael Moore all fired up in one of his "documentaries" probably the 2000 one -- Oh, and lo and behold he's back in the limelight lately too.


    I don't know if reforming the electoral college is exactly what they're protesting, other than the fact it would let them get their way. I think it's genuine fear of more discrimination and hate crime against them (speaking of visible minorities, Muslims, women, etc.). But aren't we getting too focused on the president? The house and senate are both controlled by the republicans too.

  7. Sorry my spell check attacked me. Thanks for the personal attack. Let's hope I can do the same for you some day

    wasn't intended to be personal, but when your entire argument against me is to just say you're wrong it really makes for an excellent debate.


    I still don't think it's right, but if enough people got angry enough and caused enough havoc, do you think the elected officials would just brush them aside and say they're just kids throwing a temper tantrum, or do you think they would say, gee, these people are really upset over this. And like I said before, they're there to govern all people. If you just ignore the minority because they're the minority then democracy doesn't work, in spite of what you say about popular votes and majority rule. Democracy is about compromise and inclusion, not about winning or who's right and who's wrong. I still think Trump is a buffoon and I would never in a million years vote for him or his party, but I'm hopeful some productive things can get done while he's in office. And if something gets said or done that people don't like, protest it. Like Trump himself says, if the other side is going to go to an extreme sometimes you have to go to extremes to meet in the middle.

  8. yes every time they burn a cop car or break into and destroy a business In think They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them.


    Whatever this incoherent nonsense is supposed to mean I guess I didn't address destruction of property in my post. Destruction of property is bad. You're welcome.

  9. They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them. A lot of people who aren't white men are legitimately concerned for their safety and lawful status in their homes and communities considering the terrible things that were said about them and the big target that was put on their back with some of the awful vitriol that was spewed during the election campaign. It was also a test to see if Trump truly knew what the 1st Amendment means now that he's president-elect. Judging by his tweet last night he obviously doesn't.

  10. You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.


    You're right, art, this thread was doomed from the start. Enjoy your echo chamber.

  11. Right now, I don't think anyone is at liberty to believe anything either side says about the other. As far as anyone is concerned, the person they aren't voting for might as well be Satan him/herself. And in this day and age where everyone lives in a nice cozy echo chamber where their opinions are never refuted and their bias is constantly reaffirmed there's no way to change anyone's opinion. It's become so much us against them. There's plenty of evidence that the GOP made a conscious effort to disagree with everything Obama tried to accomplish, even things they agreed on. There's a classic case just recently where they over-rode a veto on a bill that was intended to allow victims families of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia because they apparently sponsored terrorists. But in turn it would in-turn allow foreign countries to sue the US for terror related issues such as civilian deaths during bombing raids. They then immediately regretted doing so, but tried to blame Obama anyway because he didn't express exactly how against it he was, as if a veto doesn't quite get the message across. I wouldn't at all put it past the Democrats to do the exact same thing if Trump were elected (be it for good reasons or not). It's too bad this is the state of affairs we live in now, where progress can't be made because of how much we disrespect the other "side" and are so willing to believe every negative thing said about them simply because we don't like them and it sounds true. Even fact checkers can't be trusted, because if they say something isn't true or the facts don't agree with what we think should be true, they're obviously biased.


    Thanks for letting me vent. This us vs. them mentality needs to stop. The world will not end just because of an election. The whole thing has been a major black eye to the US and the state of democracy everywhere.

  12. yup. No selfish contract swings yesterday, preferring to take contact swings instead. Hammels was very ineffective and the Jays took advantage. Also, to anyone who thinks Pillar is a substandard MLB centre fielder who makes too many "TV" dives at balls, let's see how you feel about having a converted shortstop who doesn't even know the walls in his own ballpark.


    Loved Estrada's start yesterday too. He's the perfect pitcher for that type of game where it's likely the Jays are over most of their playoff jitters after that emotional wildcard game and the Rangers are coming in gripping the bat way too tightly. Too all you Gibby haters, say what you will, but he knows this team and who he can count on.

  13. And this certainly calls for a modern day witch hunt???


    What's worse... someone throwing a beer?


    Or being the b... that got beer spilled on his/her shirt and called the cops???


    This is rediculous. If this is how many of you truly feel I'd still share a boat with ya but youde be going for a swim

    It's called overcompensating. People are "mortified" that such a thing could happen in innocent little old Toronto and now this is all anyone can think about.


    It's still not OK to throw stuff at the players.

  14. I think we need to move past the beer can witch hunt. It was bad, it looked bad, and after the antics last year in the ALDS it didn't help the reputation of Jays fans. We can all agree that whomever threw the can is a colossal tool. I wouldn't call it wasting beer though... I can't classify bud light as beer.


    I just hope the PLAYERS can keep their heads on for the Rangers series and knock the crybaby Rangers out of the playoffs. There's no need for retribution, and no time for it in a best of 5 series. However, if the Jays start running away with it, I don't trust the players on the Rangers from getting all butthurt over some perceived slight again.


    I'm leaving work early today, FYI. Stupid start times for these games. lol

  15. Either one of them would have been insane to sign in Toronto and avoid their first ever chance in their career at free agency. And, to ensure both of them were satisfied with the contracts the Jays would have definitely had to overpay for both.


    Why has this even come up as a topic of conversation today?

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