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Everything posted by ilario11

  1. Unless your Jesus, you'd be best to wait for Simcoe!
  2. I agree - toooooo early. UNLESS you're talking small back lakes for splake and such.. up in the Haliburtons, Algonquin region I've heard the small lakes are already ice-covered... But most of us don't fish those waters! Simcoe's 2 months off! If it stays cold!!! Anyhow, It's -20C in Bancroft as I write this...That's cold enough to form a good coat by morning, even on a fair sized lake I'd like to get my boat out one more time too, so I'm hoping for a warm up myself
  3. well, derbies on Lake O haven't fared well over the past several years...salmon fishing hyas been in decline for years..well, I guess it doesn't hurt to try...as long as these individuals don't ave too much tied up in this
  4. God save your precious team!! Woohoo!! security forces in Austria and Switzerland are pleased... no drunken limey's to contend with!
  5. one advantage with gettin em with yer truck is that you got a nicely tenderized piece of meat ready for the bbq
  6. $450 (1986 2hp Honda)
  7. Anyone who is a Leaf fan here should only pray that they loose tomorrow and every other game this season so that those bozo's (larry and co. aka the condo guys) put out the same effort to resurrect the hockey that they put in to the basketball team Teacher's Pension and Larrry T - Please let our hockey team go! Sell it to Mikey I (the Pizza Guy in Detroit!) and bring in some competent management to turn this 40 year drought around! Go Sens and any other team who plays the Leafs this season From a LONG suffering leaf fan... (30 years in the making!)
  8. Thanks guys... they are great little motors. I had the 9.9 and it was fantastic..So quiet and smooth. I think Honda makes the best motor out there(not unlike the cars) I appreciate the advice. I would NOT use this as a principle motor ona large body of water. I would use it as a kicker for trolling on clam, windless mornings, which is when I do 80% of my trolling. Based on your input, I can surmise that you all think it would probably be ok on a 14 or 15' boat - as long as a gale is blowing! I can get this puppy for a good deal so I think it would be a nice motor to have regardless.. It would come in handy on a bak lake on a canoe or samll tin boat too.. I'll let ya know how i make out Poacher
  9. thanks buddy...i'll let ya know if I end up getting it.. poacher
  10. Hi there folks, My neighbour has a 2HP motor (Honda 4stroke) that is in nice shape... he's parting with it. He used it mainly on the back of a canoe, but also ona dingy. I was thinking of taking it off his hands an use it on my 14' fiberglass as a trolling motor (I doa fair bit of trolling for both lakers up northh and salmon on Lake O when the lake is flat enough for my small craft! I figure the boat is roughly 500-600lb (not including persons, or gear). My question is do you think that little 2hp would be adequate to troll with? Thanks! Poacher
  11. Thanks! Wow, not cheap... i guess worth it if you plan to regularly tune your own motor. For the fellow who said he had manuals, please let me know if you have the one I require (1962 28 HP Johnson) - I guess I'll PM him! thanks
  12. Lavazza
  13. sure that's not a moose!!
  14. I am looking for a manual for a 28 HP Johnson - I believe it's a 1962 or close let me know if you have it!!
  15. thanks..can't find an original yet on ebay do these manuals (originals) actually give you instructiion on how to service the motor? even if you have limited experience? thanks!
  16. What is the difference b/w the two? Are the originals worth tracking down or are the SELOC's just as good? Thanks! Poacher's Paradise
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