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About ilario11

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  1. Disgusting dispaly...i never heard fans booing an injured player...poor Colaiacovo bangs his head into the glass and is almost knocked out - must be part of their distink society
  2. You guys are pigs!! LOL! I'm satisfied with the current length of my shaft (the motor, that is)...
  3. Interestingly enough, if you go by the OMNR consumption guidelines, pike are perfectly safe to eat in toronto waters...in fact even the sizable ones have zero consumption restrictions... i think this has something to do with the fact that the troublesome contaminants in Lake O are PCB's and Mirex - neither of which affect pike b/c these chemicals have an affinity to fatty fish (salmon, trout) and don't show up in the meat of leaner fish like pike and walleye Great pics/vids... looks like Lakefront Promenade...that spot has some very sweet weedbeds..saw a large pike there last spring..
  4. this is actually a great time to be a leaf fan...those morons down at MLSE are now finally forced to hire other people to hire a hockey man and I think their gonna land something big...FINALLY. Jimmy Rutherford or possibly Burke are coming here.. This franchise has so much money that once they dump and/or buyout the Sh*theads that JFJ acquired, their payroll will be at 30 mill!! 2 or 3 solid free agent signings, and a bunch a fresh young picks will turn this team around in 3 years..maybe less.. Optomistic you say? Just keep in mind that theirs huge pressure on those people to finally put that money to good use. The Leafs will land a top notch manager.. and they have a hell of a huge advantage over every team in the league to spend money where the cap don't shine: scouting and management BTW, message for Habby fans - don't get to excited yet...it's a long season and the cup is awarded in 4 months, not in Feb. I think a juicy slump is on the horizon...they're playing way over their heads...did the same last year with pretty much the same team, including that rotten apple, Kovalev.
  5. This is the snowiest winter in toronto that i can rememebr...we've had several good dumps since Nov! I like it!!!
  6. Hi folks: Does it make much difference? I have a short shaft currently but I may buy a motor that is long shaft... I have a 14' boat and it doesn't have a very high tansom - about avg. Is there a concern that I could damgae the prop if it bottoms out while driving or boating? Should I stick to the short? thanks! PP
  7. And our interests... lets not be naive... and there's nothing wrong with protecting OUR INTERESTS...
  8. it'll help, i suppose...but what is really needed there is about 150,000 MORE troops... NATO has been half-arsed about the mission... you can't get the situation under control with that small a number of troops.. it's a travesty...
  9. Beauty fish... great vid considering the guy was alone.. I wonder how many d not survive after a long fight and being out of the water and handled... anyone know what the survival rates are? I'm sure the odd one does die thanks for the link
  10. what would he mortgage? they dont have much to give away... and it's not a bandaid solution...?? it was an absolutely necessary move and the GM/President is the most important position on a team!
  11. Decent move by MLSE. Not many GM candidates available at this point in the season and he's a decent choice. I also like the fact that he's here only temporarily... I think they will go for the best possible GM/President candidate this time around...it sounds like they've learned something from this debacle... David Poile is available this summer. He's a very solid choice... And something tells me that Burke will enter into the equation somehow... God knows they have the $$$$ to out-compete any team if they apply it in the right spots, such as player devlopment and courting the best possible people... if these jackas* ever got the heads out of the sand, they'd be a perrenial winner...
  12. holy bull, that can't be a real pic?? they get that big? wow scary... i doubt something that big could hide in our woods and no one ahs snapped a pic..
  13. Nothing like a little competition, eh? they must be losing customers to BPS. We need more of this in quasi-socialist counry! bring it on!
  14. ok, looks like I'll have to run in the garage right now!!! should I charge them on the 2 V setting or the 12v (i think that's what the voltage is...i know that there's 2 settings - a low and a high) thanks guys! greatly appreciate the help!! poacher
  15. well, I didn't fully charge them before winter (last tuse was Oct) and they've been sitting in my boat in the garage since then.... there's some conflicting info here; should I give them a good charge right now then jkust leave them sitting in the boat? since it's cold in there, it seems like a good environment.. everyone seems to agree here that cold is good for the battery life.. thanks again fellas!
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