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Jonny Rebel

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Everything posted by Jonny Rebel

  1. Will probably be close to the same.
  2. Swweeeetttt !!! Sum thing to pay for my gas! Other then my 1st mate. LOL
  3. Thanks Skeeter let me know how u make out ! Tight lines !
  4. E bay Irish. Bid as kind of a joke 50 cents more and got it ! I have a mini mag only 2 months use if that tickles ur fancy or i could just email her find out if she has any more.
  5. Love that name BBB . And even better u float it!!!!!!
  6. Yes sir , can t wait !! U got urs up there? Love to get a pic of the two together. I should have my new cannon mag 10 HS rigger for the trip too . Got a smokin deal of 400 brand new.
  7. Don u been having any luck with the harnesses or erie deary ? 2moro i will be packing for picton on the 16th to 18th. and if so what colours?
  8. Funny thing i sold my Springbok deep v and picked this one up from a guy out side of Welland. I had met and see the Four kings 21' islander and said i would get 1 . 12 foot swells and never dipped the front , the best great lakes boats!
  9. If I was fishing in a shallow 12' boat, i would not like him to lean over the side in fear of the boat flipping! Excuse me well i eat with my fingers! LOL!
  10. Just looked at ur profile and ur boat is mine on roids!! very nice i would not trade mine for anything ... but well maybe yours LOL.
  11. Hey I'm Jonny Rebel . I fish Lake Ontario mostly . Fish out of my Starcraft Islander for salmon. Use to read here a lot , but stopped coming when the format changed . This website looks alot better now ! And i'm sure that I will post here more now thanx !
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