E bay Irish. Bid as kind of a joke 50 cents more and got it ! I have a mini mag only 2 months use if that tickles ur fancy or i could just email her find out if she has any more.
Yes sir , can t wait !! U got urs up there? Love to get a pic of the two together. I should have my new cannon mag 10 HS rigger for the trip too . Got a smokin deal of 400 brand new.
Funny thing i sold my Springbok deep v and picked this one up from a guy out side of Welland. I had met and see the Four kings 21' islander and said i would get 1 . 12 foot swells and never dipped the front , the best great lakes boats!
If I was fishing in a shallow 12' boat, i would not like him to lean
over the side in fear of the boat flipping! Excuse me well i eat with my fingers! LOL!
Hey I'm Jonny Rebel . I fish Lake Ontario mostly . Fish out of my Starcraft Islander for salmon. Use to read here a lot , but stopped coming when the format changed . This website looks alot better now ! And i'm sure that I will post here more now thanx !