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About lucabrasi

  • Birthday 04/08/1969

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  1. There are also Blacklight/UV LEDs on the market, but I don't know if they fare much better than regular LEDs in terms of output. Cheap ones, like the ones used on cap lights, are dim and don't seem nearly violet enough for charging glow spoons.
  2. Don't get too down on your Broncs. Until Dummervil went down, I would've given them more of a shot. But your biggest problem might me your QB. You might wish you still had Cutler. (What is it about that Belichick clan that breeds arrogance) McDaniels made a big mistake in getting rid of him.
  3. HAHA! Love it! I'll seeya week 9 alright. Should be fun.
  4. The College game is definitely a great tradition and a lot fun to watch no doubt. I don't watch it as much as I used to unfortunately. Bang on about the NFL and commercials. It gets worse and worse every year. You used to be able to watch an NFL game in less than 3 1/2 hrs, now their pushing 4 with all the stoppages. It's getting really annoying.
  5. Didn't you start this last year too? Just wondering. If you're the same person I'm thinking of, you could pretty much have all your questions answered over at the fishontario forum where you posted regularly about the Salmon in Bronte Harbour. Why ask the same questions here? Once again...just wondering. No offense, but it seems like you're trolling.
  6. A pretty diverse fan base on this board....and that's great. But I'm suprised that I'm the first to make mention of the 5 five-time Superbowl champion, 8-time NFC Champion, the 2010 NFC favourite and soon to be 6-time Superbowl champs, "The World's Team", the Dallas Cowboys. I've been a hardcore fan, and I mean hardcore, for over 30 years. Good luck to everyone and their teams. Should be another great season! BTW, anyone play pro-line/pointspread? How d'ya do last season? I was terrible. Hope to do better this year.
  7. Fantastic report and awesome trip guys. All I can say is WOW! I especially liked your description of the portage in. I felt the smack every branch and twig as I read. Question for Bill. Do you ever experience any drifting on your GPS? If so, is there any remedy for it. I have a Garmin GPSmap 60Cx and drifts off position all the time. Just wondering.
  8. Great info! Thanks for posting!
  9. Yeah, why all the Italy hate. You don't win 4 cups without being great at football. To the Germany supporter, no diving when the Italians beat the Germans 4 years ago. That was one of the greatest displays of European football (by both teams) that I've seen in a while. In light of that I might understand your hate. I certainly don't hate the Germans. All teams engage in diving and dirty play. If you don't think so, you're not watching closely enough or you're letting your bias get in the way. I've also noticed a lot teams whose only recourse to surviving the group stages is to play a great game of rugby. That's kind of sad too. My favourites the rest of the way, Argentina, Netherlands. I'd like to see the Netherlands win, I've got them in my office pool.
  10. It's a nice campground and lake, but they won't let you party much. The scenery is great and so is the hiking as the bruce trail runs through it. As far as the fishing goes, following the bruce trail east will lead you to a chain of lakes that are a little more secluded. But it's a bit of a hike. You can also pick up the trail from Crane Lake Rd if you don't mind leaving the campground. If you're gonna hike definitely get the Bruce Trail Reference Guide. Hope this helps
  11. Any topo map should provide you with your answer. try this link: My link
  12. Nice to see your reports coming in again and a great one as usual. Thanks!
  13. Unfortunately, it usually is. Heavy doses of vitamin c might help.
  14. I'm going on 2 weeks now. No vomiting for me but got everything else. Nasal congestion and cough are something else. I haven't had it this bad in years. The way I'm feeling right now, the symptoms could go on for another week. What's really frustrating is that with a newborn niece around I've done everything humanly possible to the point of compulsive hand washing not to get this. Hope everyone gets better soon.
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