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About TJC1973

  • Birthday 12/05/1973

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  • Location
    Hamilton & Apsley Ontario
  • Interests
    Family, fishing & a little bit of work!

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Beauty perch. Looks like dinner for two.
  2. Well, we had an excellent trip out with Tim Hale's. Caught a pb perch just a hair under 13 inches and caught around 50 fish for the day.As I had originally requested to avoid the Dink's, this trip lived up to expectations. Another highlight was the lodge\bait shop at Tims, I could have hung out in there all day. A real fisherman's dream man cave. Thanks again for those who chimed in. Cheers, Terry
  3. Thanks for the replies and PM's. Booked a hut with Tim Hales for Friday, but with some of the good info I got I may have to invest in some more gear and bypass the outfitters next year. I will let ya know how we make out on Friday. Thanks again, Terry
  4. What depths are his huts at?
  5. Unfortunately I don't have all the gear just yet. Running on a fixed budget with 3 daughters. Lol. I will take any tips I can get, Feel free to pm me, don't want ruffle feathers. Lol Thanks Gallie
  6. Good Day, I have been out with a few operators on cooks bay this year and had great service each time and caught lots of perch, the problem is that they are all Dink's. I'm doing some research tonight and looking to change it up a bit. Has anyone here been out with snake island ice huts? Any info on this operator or tips to areas other than cooks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Gang.
  7. Terry Goy in Gilford gets my vote for perch fishing on Simcoe. Super nice guy and always puts us on fish... Just my two cents.
  8. name="Nipfisher" post="890807" timestamp="1420597458"]The walleye bite has been very good so far but 99% are under the 18.1" (46cms) slot size. Perching is good. Thats what we noticed as well, same as the guts around us. Does the bite fade as the season wears on? I would love to I get back up in a few weeks.
  9. Had a great trip to Nippising this weekend. Taking Bowslayers advice I booked with Reeds outdoors right in North bay for a day hut rental for Saturday. Between my brother in law and I we caught about 30 pickeral (all below the slot), one ling and about 20 perch, 15 of which came home for a dinner. Those are the high lites. The real challenge was the drive home last night from North bay, I don't think we saw blacktop until south of Barrie, real white knuckle driving the whole way. Cheers
  10. Thanks Bowslayer, booked with the grumps for Saturday. Much appreciated!
  11. Good day, I know its getting late to be booking anything this close to the opener, but am wondering if anyone might be able to direct me to an operator that might still have huts available this weekend. Even a day hut rental would be fine! Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  12. Thanks Hirk.... My old Merc was doing the same thing, added grease, noise is gone.
  13. Some great looking steel there. Your doing better from shore than I am in the boat so far! You still working GT? Terry
  14. WTG...everyone is a quality fish!
  15. . Lol, I would have except they were going up to devils hole....with only one other trip under my belt on the river I wasn't so sure on boating anywhere with devil or hole in the name!
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