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Everything posted by Pwnisher

  1. Hi OFC, I am planning a trip to Kirkland Lake for this Saturday. I will be living in my parents' apartment so I won't be renting a lodge (I can't even afford one ). I have been there a few other times for some fishing action and was able to land four smallmouth bass but other than that nada! Since I am fairly new to the area I was hoping to get a few pointers on places I could try fishing. The most important thing is that I will be fishing with my parents and so a place that is easily accessible by road would be best. I realize that there are alot of small lakes there but it would be hard to get to, lets say, Young Lake with my parents because they won't be able to walk such long distances. I have tried Gull Lake, Larder Lake marina, and Culver park so if there are any other suggestions then that would be awesome. Please don't think I am asking for any honey holes or anything like that because that is not my purpose. Just the name of a easy access lake would be nice so I can spend an afternoon fishing with family!
  2. That's pretty cool but if I were to accidently catch one I would be terrified of removing the hook from its mouth. They always kinda creeped me out! Still, I hope we see more of them.
  3. That was a nice gesture. I have never been to BPS but among all of the other big box fishing stores, Sail has always been my favourite. The first time I walked into the store I was so overwhelmed by the amount of stuff (which I now realize is never a bad thing ) but the staff was always very helping.
  4. Keep in mind that the Moto G does not support LTE. Also, the Moto G sold by Virgin is the 8gb model (for $150), but you can also get a 16gb model from Wind Mobile for $229. The phone does not have an SD card slot so I think the 16gb version would be better for you.
  5. I think you should stick with the plan that you have right now and buy a cheap smartphone until you can afford a better one. I say this because the $346 cancellation fee that you said is absolutely ridiculous! In that much money you should think about getting a Motorola Moto G which is only $150 at Virgin Mobile. Of course then you would have to unlock the Moto G to be able to use it with Bell. The unlock code can be bought from ebay.ca for less than $5. If you do end up buying the Moto G, then let me know and I can give you the link of the ebay seller from which I bought the unlock code from. I hope I helped you out a bit.
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