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Posts posted by akaShag

  1. Hmmm, looks like a miniature Liberalis slimatae, of the genus Nullus Spinus. Could be the Justinus Givus Votus, but the proof would be whether the angler had to wash their hands five times until they no longer felt unclean.............


    Just sayin'.......... :whistling:



  2. I can't do the "quote" reply thing here, but anyways back to Fisherpete, many thanks.


    I had hoped to make it to the Fishing for Tyler Event tomorrow but that is not going to happen so I will send payment via EMT. I think you said that was OK. I will send you a pm on here, if this board allows me to do that - it does not like my computer set-up.............



  3. You need a bunch of guys from Owen Sound to test the ice for you.


    When I used to fish Owen Sound, those <<<ahem>>>> LUNATICS would be out on an inch of ice. One time a buddy suggested we fish at the mouth of the Pottowotami, so off we went. I asked him where his spud was. He said we wouldn't need it - silly me, I figured there must be lots of holes from other folks fishing. So we got onto the Pot, with RUNNING WATER beneath us, and he kicked a hole in the ice with his heel and started jigging. I practically crapped myself and got the hell out of Dodge, RIGHT NOW. Ice fishing on less than an inch of ice over running water, just not my idea of a good time......


    If any of you members are here from Owen Sound, yes it is me, THAT Doug................ :canadian: and let the record show I no longer own an Argo.............



  4. Try to be over water before actually starting to fish.


    Try to stay over water while trying to catch fish.


    Stop trying to catch fish once not over water.


    You CAN catch stuff in launch ramps and parking lots, but generally these things are not fish.



  5. The ones at the link in my post above are the 200 pound models, the one in Entropy's post above are the 155 pound models. I don't think the 155s are up to the task of floating my butt on top of the snow, but they WOULD work for my young lad. Thanks!


  6. My days of strapping on a set of snowshoes and walking a few miles are in my rear-view mirror. But there is absolutely no question that snowshoes make walking in snow deeper than about a foot or so MUCH easier. Once you get snow past the middle of your calf, walking without snowshoes is a killer. So yes, snowshoes are the way to go, or maybe a tracked Argo, which I did own once upon a time! But when you are stuck in an eight-by-eight Argo with super tracks on it, you are some surely STUCK.


    The Canadian military snowshoes are made out of some very lightweight metal, are extremely durable, and have a canvas binding that can fit on just about any boot. I have seen them in army surplus stores for not all that much money, and they are an excellent shoe for the value. I have only worn the new high-performance snowshoes twice and was very impressed, but yes those are pricey.


    ANY snowshoes are better than NO snowshoes................JMOYMV


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