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Posts posted by akaShag

  1. It is time again in my life that I need a smaller aluminum boat to hit the back lakes, and more importantly, to loan to my youngest son.  So I am looking for a small, LIGHT, 12 to maybe 14 footer, a small outboard, and a trailer with decent wheels and tires.  I am looking for a used unit at this point but am not interested in leaky rivets, rotten transoms, smoking outboards, etc.

    I am in Kingston Ontario and would consider traveling up to maybe two hours from here to look at a rig and make a deal.  Please send me a private message if you have something you are looking to sell.  I could also make a trade for a firearm or firearms if that might be an attractive option.  (and of course if you have a valid firearms licence)

    Thanks for looking.


  2. 10 minutes ago, fish_fishburn said:

    a dab of bacon fat or butter and put in a corner of the barbe

    Thanks!  I am going to try that.  I have done potatoes like that, including ones that I hollowed out and put bacon, vidalias and butter on the inside, but never tried to cook a whole onion.  I like the idea!


  3. what Chris said, ask Mike.

    My only experience with Hearst Air Services would tend to make me look for a different outfitter, but that was a number of years ago and may well have been a "one-off."  I recall that writer "moosebunk" had an extremely positive trip with HAS, to the Attawapiskat if memory serves me.  A bit of research, and contacting references, should give an idea of current service from any of the outfitters.

    But you should still ask Mike.


  4. I have had many brands and types over the years.  The earlier ones were like putting on a sheet of plywood.  But with a bad back, getting into my one piece suit lately left me hurting and sweated up.  And my youngest son needed a suit anyways so now it's his.  I already have two floater jackets over and above the suit, and decided to get a new set of bibs.  Went to Canadian Tire to check out the Arctic Armor bibs, and there is a great big sign on the inside of them:


    So for $300 plus tax I left them there and will wait until I can get a set of bibs that ARE approved.  Looks like the Salus line is not only made in Canada but are also approved PFDs.

    Something I DO hope to find is a set of bibs that have a full or at least a half length zip on the sides so I can put them on over top of my boots.  Nothing like trying to balance on one foot with slush all over the place, trying to get your leg into the pantleg..............


  5. I never did a shoulder, but I certainly have done pork roasts in the smoker.  For me, it has always been the boneless loin halves that come on sale a few times a year.  Last week they were on for a buck a pound!!!

    Brine:  a couple quarts of apple juice, about four cloves of crushed garlic, about a cup or so of brown sugar (or maple syrup) and a cup or maybe a hair less of white salt, I put it all in a big plastic bag with the roast and get the air out of the bag so the roast is immersed, into the fridge for overnight, then into the smoker.  I know some folks rinse the brine off, I do not see any good reason to do that.

    For a loin about six or seven pounds, I smoke it for two pans of smoke in my Big Chief, which would be smoke for two to two and a half hours.  Too much smoke makes it taste like creosote........  I have used maple, cherry and apple all with good results for pork.

    Then into the oven in a COVERED roasting pan until you have 180 on the meat thermometer.

    And smoked pork roast GRAVY is absolutely awesome.  Hell I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.....




  6. 34 minutes ago, manitoubass2 said:

    I always cook an extra onion or 3. Sooo good!

    I'm sauteeing a bunch of garlic right now for some shrimp, smells so good in here!

    I've always cooked with garlic, but it seems I'm using more and more these days. If you crisp it on the skillet it's very good on almost anything

    Rick, what do you mean, exactly, "crisp it on the skillet?"  Whole cloves?  Crushed?  In EVO?  Dry pan?  etc..........

  7. I had turkey noodle soup for lunch, just what the doctor ordered for a snowy damp day.

    I have never tried, nor even heard of, leaving an onion whole in a pot of soup.  Mind you, I generally cook with extra large vidalias or other sweet onions, not sure how a softball-sized onion would make out in my stock pots.  I also like to simmer my soups for quite a while.  I can see how trying to keep an onion whole would be challenging!

    Tonight it will be re-heated pulled pork I made a couple days ago.  It's had time to really let the flavours soak in, should be lovely!


  8. 1 hour ago, bigugli said:

    I had forgotten just how tasty  drippings from the pan could be when soaked up with fresh crusty bread.:wub:

    The absolute WORST heartburn I ever had would have been back in the early 80s in a hunt camp back of Haliburton.  Our cook, who was probably in his 90s at the time, had roasted a lovely big bird (think it was probably a capon) for supper and was about to make gravy.  He skimmed all of the fat out of the pan and left it in a gravy boat, intending to throw it out later, AND he told all of us it was fat and not good to eat.  But it sure smelled good, and a buddy and I had a wee taste of it with fresh bread.  YEAH!  It was DELICIOUS!!!  And buddy and I ate the whole container, probably 2 cups worth, with bread, BEFORE supper.

    NEVER did I have heartburn like that, not before or since...................<<<<<OINK>>>>>>

  9. 1 hour ago, bigugli said:

    I had forgotten just how tasty  drippings from the pan could be when soaked up with fresh crusty bread.:wub:

    The absolute WORST heartburn I ever had would have been back in the early 80s in a hunt camp back of Haliburton.  Our cook, who was probably in his 90s at the time, had roasted a lovely big bird (think it was probably a capon) for supper and was about to make gravy.  He skimmed all of the fat out of the pan and left it in a gravy boat, intending to throw it out later, AND he told all of us it was fat and not good to eat.  But it sure smelled good, and a buddy and I had a wee taste of it with fresh bread.  YEAH!  It was DELICIOUS!!!  And buddy and I ate the whole container, probably 2 cups worth, with bread, BEFORE supper.

    NEVER did I have heartburn like that, not before or since...................<<<<<OINK>>>>>>

  10. 27 minutes ago, manitoubass2 said:


    Sounds like a plan! You travelling this way 2018 Doug?

    Don't know yet.  But I think we are going to head east for what might be the last "Fiddles on the Tobique".  It is one genuinely CANADIAN celebration, and we went a few years back.  The guy that has organized it since he dreamed it up a couple decades ago is a canoe builder name of Bill Miller.  Bill is getting up in age and has said he doesn't have a lot of these events left in him.  So anyways the plan so far is to head east this summer instead of west...........


    Read about the Fiddles here:  https://www.canoekayak.com/canoe/death-of-a-river/




  11. 9 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

    I was having vision problems on Christmas.

    I couldn't see my butt leaving the house!!!!  :lol:


    I actually quite like the cold, and very much enjoy ice fishing.  And I do not have nor do I use a hut.

    But minus 38 F is FREAKIN' chilly!!!!!

    Rum and eggnog weather there Dave.



  12. 15 minutes ago, misfish said:

    You could sit on the bank with Harry, and Mic and Ernie all morning. They seem to like the lazy laid back thing. LOL

    I just watched a video from the east coast. Bacon,potatoe,cheese pie. Will be making very soon. 


    Bacon, potato and cheese pie, please tell me more.............



  13. 10 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

    Still moving with cranky bones.  3 more scheduled days to work and then it's retirement.   Can't quite wrap my head around that idea yet.

    Retirement is GOOD, buddy!!!!!

    I've been doing nothing, professionally, and being paid to do nothing, for fifteen years, and I highly recommend it.  :lol:





  14. Today at lunch we had a "Christmas dinner" for some folks we know that have no family in the area.  One of the ladies is 93 and can't drive at night any more.  So I brined a small turkey (13 pounds) and we had turkey and dressing, whipped potatoes and gravy, and carrots, YUM YUM!!!!



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