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Posts posted by wvmedic

  1. Cliff, good on you for being a mentor to the young man.


    It is a very sad and tragic ordeal, and is happening to often. At least here in my area, I run several overdose call a month.

    We just checked our statistics and there isn't a 24hr period in our county that one of our ambulances isn't dispatched on the minimum of one overdose, more times than not it is four or five.



  2. Well I thought I might update a little.


    I got a spot on a boat with a friend, going to the Kipawa region of Quebec. We will be camping and fishing in the Zec Kipawa, it's not an Ontario trip. It is still a Canadian adventure though, we will be arriving in Temiscaming on the 30th of this month. Plan to stay the night there then take care of our fees the morning of the 31st then a two in a half hour drive to the lake. Load up the boats and head to an island to setup camp, fish till the 7th of August and pack up and head home on the 8th.


    I am as excited as a kid on Christmas eve.



  3. Hello all.


    I'm looking for a fishing vacation for the Wife and I. We have stayed at Lakeair and fished the west arm, and we are again looking for a fishing vacation in the beautiful Canadian Shield.


    I've been looking at the islands of Georgian Bay north of Perry Sound, possibly the French River area and the west arm. I prefer to camp and rent a boat, so which of the three areas would be our best choice? The scenery is almost as important as the fishing. Or would you recommend another location in the general area Toronto north to North Bay?

    Thinking late August or mid to late June.


    Thanks, Jeff.

  4. Wayne that is a gracious offer and I thank you for that, if we decide on Temagami I will hit you up for some tips if you wouldn’t mind.


    To everyone who has posted, I really appreciate all of you for your suggestions. I will look into all of them and might over time hit them all.

    Just to note I’m not set in concrete about August, I just picked August because we are not picking the boat up till December. So by August we hopefully will have the funds for a fishing vacation.


    The boat is a Lowe big-jon 1648, it is 16 foot long with a 70 inch beam and a 15 HP motor. It is going to need some cosmetic work as well as the trailer needing paint and the wood replaced. I hope to have all of that ready to fish over the winter or spring.


    Thanks again, Jeff

  5. Rod Caster, thank you.


    Randy, thanks. I will keep that in mind, I look hear from time to time checking in on Nippissing. There have been some discouraging posts, I did see the post about possible new restrictions on the Walleye I do not want to get into the politics of that. I live 750 miles away and in another Country at that. I have no real right to say anything inregard to what should or should not happen with the regulations. I just know I love that area and hope the fishery improves and is sustainable for everyone to enjoy, and the reason I have decided to come back and fish Canada as an adult is because of the three species I mentioned, we have Small Mouth and Large Mouth Bass as well as Catfish, Drum and the like. I just am not real interested in fishing for them, so I have to go where the fish live that I prefer to catch.



  6. N.A.W I know you can't predict the exact condition of the fishery 11 months from now, just looking for suggestions for someone coming from another country, who enjoys the beauty of your's. I do not like fishing in my state for various reasons, we do have Walleye and in the northern part of the state we have yellow perch. The scenery though can not compare to that of Canada.


    Thanks, Jeff

  7. Yeah, well like I said. I like to plan things out and be prepared :D . I have thought about the Kawartha Lakes, we have never been over that way though. To us the scenery is just as important as the fishing, we love the Canadian Shield all the granite and pines.


    We also need a place to tent camp, I forgot to add that.



  8. I’m looking for a place where the Wife and I can catch some Walleye, Pike and Perch. We would be fishing out of a 16X48 Lowe Big-Jon, looking for some place with the scenery as beautiful as the western arm of Nippissing. I love the western arm, but with all the talk of the declining fishery. I think we would like to try another location, we are not looking for trophies or to keep a bunch of fish, though I would keep a couple to eat. The Wife does not eat fish, she does love to catch them though.

    Looking for some place around 500 km from Fort Erie, Ontario or 750 or so miles from Charleston, WV we are looking at taking a weeks’ vacation around August 2013. We just want to start planning, I have to plan things out. I can’t just take off on a whim, drives the Wife crazy when I research everything. I don’t think I’m OCD, just like being prepared.


    Thanks for any help.


  9. I hope everyone has a safe trip, also hope everyone dose well on the water. I'm am however envious of each of you folks. I have traveled all over the US, and I have to say that the Nipissing area is the most beautiful land I have ever had the pleasure of stepping foot on. Maybe next year if you folks would have us the Wife and I might make it.



  10. Wow great post, thanks for sharing. I am fortunate enough to work close with our elders. Some times it's not so great as I am seeing them in there last hours or minutes on this earth. There are a lot of times when our elders have no one, they call 911 for various ailments needing to go to the emergency room. For a large number of those, the best medicine I have found is to just hold there hand and listen to there stories. By the time we arrive at the emergency department, they have a smile on there face and have for the most part forgotten about there primary complaint.


    Thank you for posting and taking the time to listen to his stories.



  11. tizfun, very sad indeed. I hope the friend that was with him can get over his feeling of being responsible, they where both adults and capable of making there own decision and they both decided to go out. So if the friend can look at it in this perspective maybe he will get over the survivors guilt.


    I pray that the family and friends can soon have peace with them selves.



    And just to say you absolutely do not have to be out in the middle of the river or lake to have this happen. I had the misfortune of having to run a drowning call near the end of the season last year, it was at the local ramp I use all the time. The victim was a man in his 30's, he was at the launch loading his boat on the trailer after a fun day on the water, when he decided to go under the water, per his wife to do something with a rope on the trailer. He never resurfaced he was only in three foot of water, his wife and children was on the boat and witnessed the whole thing.


    I was driving by the local shopping center the other day and there was his boat for sale, when I saw the boat it brought that evening flooding back into my mind. I'm sure seeing the boat sitting at the house did the same for his family.



  12. Roy I haven't met Big Cliff but I feel he slammed me personally. I mean he did qoute my post which feel wasn't addressing the OP but addressing me.


    Now I have read Big Cliff's other postings on here and at other places, I understand he is looked upon as a stand up Guy. He might very well be, however I have never nor will I ever single anyone out and slam them like that. No one on here knows me personally but I assure you my post to the OP was with only good intentions. I did not say that he was being ripped off, I said he needs a manual and that a lean condition of a bad carburetor can and will destroy his motor. I do not feel as if I gave bad information. I use the same name on other boards I belong too, all you have to do is google my user name and check. I ask a lot of questions, and contribute when I can.


    I will admit I am certainly no marine mechanic, I have and do ask questions about repairs but I also learn as I go. I for one do not have the luxury of taking my stuff to a shop for repairs, I can not afford it. I do not believe though that it should prevent me from being able to enjoy fishing from my boat because I have to do the repairs my self. I will be 42 years old in two months and have been turning my own wrenches since I was about 10 years old, from motorcycles to bulldozers. But again I admit I am no pro and still have to ask questions, and I am not afraid to admit to it when I don't know much about some things.



  13. The OP clearly states that he is not mechanicly inclined and Cliff's response was to him, not you. I don't think Cliff would have responded to Bernie (a certified automotive tech) that he MUST take his outboard to a certified marine tech.

    In short, Cliff's post illustrated why the job costs $500. He's not saying it can't be done cheaper by a guy that owns a $90 wrench set and lots of spare time.

    You insulted Cliff and others with your post.


    SlowPoke apparently you didn't read post#16, Big Cliff's response was not to the OP it was in fact a slam to me.

  14. Wow Big Clif, didn't mean to step on you're toes. I guess trying to help someone with not so much cash get there boat running so they can get back on the water is an issue. It's not like folks haven't been working on there own stuff for years with no problem, heck some folks can even fabricate there own stuff in there garage.



    It isn't like I was telling him to tear apart his lower unit where precise tolerances is a absolute must. I wouldn't want to tear into my lower unit.


    Oh well I'm going to stop now, sorry for posting.


    Have a good evening.



  15. I couldn't find it on my laptop, it might be on the home computer.


    Fuel stabilizer is you're friend, with a gummed up carb that cylinder would run lean. Running a two stroke motor lean means that the motor is not being properly lubricated, because the oil, gas mix is what lubricates the entire motor.



  16. swordfish, if you have any mechanical skill cleaning and rebuilding the carbs is not that hard, the head gasket really isn't either.


    I admit it is a little intimidating at first but once you tear into it it isn't that bad.


    There was a post on here about a year or so ago that gave an web address to a library that had free manuals for download, I'll see if I can find it.



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