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Posts posted by wvmedic

  1. adempsey, I want to fish Lake Kipawa in the near future.


    floater, yes the roads can be pretty bad, though this year they were in decent shape. The fees are not to bad, they did tac on a $15.00 fee per tent this year on top of the Zec fee though.



    Glad you folks liked the pictures.




  2. Thought I would share some pictures of this years Zec Kipawa trip, we were there from July 24th to 30th. The weather was very hot, we did well though. I was very surprised to find that 90% of our fish was caught in 3 to 8 FOW, we only caught 10 to 20 Walleye in 16 FOW and they were suspended at about 10 feet deep.


    We arrived camp on Friday the 24th and setup camp, we finished early enough to get about 2 hours of fishing in. We fished early morning and late afternoon finishing up Wednesday evening and packing out Thursday morning for the trip home.


    With the heatwave in effect, my fishing partner and I still managed to boat nearly 100 Walleye in the little over 5 days and an unknown number of Northern. The numbers of Northern I would say was about equal to the Walleye, no big Northern but many above average.


    The Northern Express.


    Some scenery.

    Now for some fish. I did manage to catch a few fish on a jig, this time with a plastic trailer. My fishing partner and I decided to spend Wednesday afternoon in a back bay known for Northern just casting and swimming jigs for Pike. All of the Pike were hammer handles but it was a blast, I managed one Walleye while casting for Pike as well.







  3. Anyone have any experience on Lake Panache?


    I have a friend who has fished it twice and recommended it to me, problem is. He sometimes stretches things a bit, he doesn't do it in a malicious way. He just loves to talk and he is a great Guy.


    With that being said, I would like to get a second or third opinion.


    Thanks, Jeff

  4. Hello all.


    I'm just back from my second trip to Beautiful Canada this year, well this month.


    Started on the French River and Lake Nipissing the last week of June finishing up our vacation on July 3rd spending our 32nd wedding anniversary fishing with my best fishing partner ever.


    To my trip to Quebec fishing in the Zec Kipawa with the guy's, between the two boats we boated close to 200 Walleye for the week most between 16 and 23 inches. At a guess, I would say we boated nearly 100 Northern Pike in the 25 to 32 inch range.


    So I am home 2 days and am already planning next years trip. I have never been to Western Ontario and I think I would like to see it as well.


    Looking for a good to exelant Walleye fishery with not to expensive cabins or modern camping facilities and my 14' 9.9 hp tinny would be acceptable on.. Not to far into the bush, my Wife would not go to Quebec with me, we were close to 3 hours into the bush from town.


    So what would be your top 5 Western Ontario Walleye fishing destinations? I forgot to mention, I would prefer just northwest of Sault Ste Marie around Wawa.


    Thanks, Jeff

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