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Everything posted by bh87ss

  1. River is in great shape, very slight tea stain and the water level is just perfect. Find the holes and find the fish, was out this past saturday for a couple of hours and ended up with 1 nice chrome about 5-6 lbs. Got to love the pull in the river, released for you on thursday, good luck.
  2. Here this may help if you have not found anything, good luck. There have been many threads regarding this topic over the past couple of years. Here are my steps to buying and importing that I posted in a previous thread. Hopefully this will help you. Here's how it works if you are buying NEW. 1.You are going to have to have a US address or find someone to buy it for you. Dealers won't sell to Canadians and even if they will they need somewhere for the DMV to send the title. 2.Then, you have to wait for the title to come to your address or to the person that bought it. 3.When the title comes (approx 2 weeks), you will then have to fill out a bill of sale from the person that bought it (buying it from them) and fill out the purchase info on the back of the title. If you have a US address you won't have to do this step obviously. 4.You contact U.S. customs and they have a form that they will fax you that you fill out with the title information. You fax it to them 72 hours before you intend to bring it across the border. 5.U.S.Customs will notify you when the title search is done. 6.Bring the machine to the border. 7.Stop on the U.S. side to have the title stamped. 8.Take it to the Canadian side to pay G.S.T. on North American made units. G.S.T.& Duty on Japanese units. 9.You get an import document that you pay $200 for that is sent to Ottawa and you are in. 10.Wait for 2 weeks to get the paperwork on the import document back from Ottawa that you can register your unit. 11.Go to Canadian tire for the out of province inspection (covered in the $200 import fee). 12.Register the unit! 12 easy steps and you save thousands. If you have time and a way to buy in the U.S. you are home free. Buying used eliminates several steps obviously.
  3. Check out Wally Parrs Sausage just south of Hamilton on Hwy # 6 just before you get into Caledonia. Makes the best pepps and has a lot of other stuff in the store. If anyone was ever in BPS he had Izumi sponser these last year and they sold them at the cash checK out. I have also seen them throughout the GTA in variety stores.
  4. Anyone know where a guy can by some perch or walleye from the Dunnville to Port Dover area. Having a fish fry and may not have enough and need to make sure everyone is full when they leave. thanks in advance
  5. You know if you continue to bring the guy with you (me) who took the picture of the pike in your hands you won't have this problem. Seems the only time you may have this problem is when I am putting you on the spots. All those great things you have to say about Lund and no options available. What if you had a seat post made for the front that when the seat was removed the camera mount could be placed in the hole. I may have an old tripod stand kicking around, I would imagine over a couple of pops we could figure something out.
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