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About trophyfish

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  1. Check this out. http://images.businessweek.com/ss/05/11/egreetings/image/01.swfMy link
  2. Ya i was wondering about these pictures, is this guy for real posting pictures of out of season walleye. Sure they have been good to you!! Wow dont be suprised if you get a nice visit from the ministry next time you go down with your buddies to fill out your limit!!
  3. Binbrook slowly dying.
  4. Sorry Repeat please delete!
  5. Question guys, going to simcoe with a few friends, planning on bringing my atv with a large otter sled behind can 2 guys sit in the sled while I drive? Do they need helmets also? Just want to make sure I don't break any rules on the ice. Can you double ride on the atv? Thanks Matt
  6. Pm sent please check!
  7. Whats next polka dot design? Well said, catch peaple not fish!
  8. Here's another funny. A man and a friend are fishing one day at their local fishing hole. One of the guys is about to cast, when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the lake. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer. His friend says: “Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man.” The man then replies: “Yeah, well we were married 35 years.”
  9. A woman complains that her husband is always watching fishing shows and never buys her anything nice. So the man goes out to suprise her on her birthday. The man goes to Victoria Secret to buy his wife the most sheer lingerie he can find. The woman behind the counter goes and gets an outfit. "This is $200," she says. "I want one that's more sheer," says he. "This one is $350." "I want it even more sheer than that." "This one is the most sheer that we have. It's $500." "I'll take it!" The man goes home to his wife and shows it to her saying, "Go put this on and come down to model it for me." His wife goes upstairs, opens the box and thinks, "This thing is so see-through that the old coot won't even notice if I'm wearing it or not. I can take this back for a refund and he won't know the difference." So his wife comes out wearing nothing at all and strikes a pose at the top of the stairs. "So, how do you like it?" she asks. Her husband then complains, " Well Damn, you'd think for $500 they'd iron the damn thing!"
  10. Where do you guys buy sucker bait??
  11. I am in. Please post final details. Matt
  12. I Have 10 of them, fire me an email. From Hamilton. Matt
  13. Found this on the net what the heck is it? One ugly fish for sure!
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