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About -Coopdogg-

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  1. yeah man! nice cat there G!! it was quite the scrap! I was there!!!
  2. Hi there....I could probably help you...I am a broker....if you have a moment call me at 905-265-7106...David
  3. As an insurance broker I can tell you that you're paying a reasonable rate.....you are only paying for theft, vandalism, collision etc as the liability is extended from home.....if you are unsure I can quote you too to see if what you are paying is competitive...I have a group program that will probably help you....905-265-7106...David
  4. Hi all!.....Im going the Islands this Friday..( I know it could be too hot but whatever..)..can anyone one point out a specific spot I should go to?...I hear centre island is better...Im looking for pike , carp, trout, anything with gills...Im a rookie....and I really wanty to catch some fish with my buddies G-Force and Stickball!!.. Cheers
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