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About JorgeCarlos

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Me and my oldest son met with younger son at vaughan mills parking lot and switch the stuff from my car to his pick up,for a ice fishing trip to Simcoe.When got to Killarney beach rd. at the lake i realize did not take stuff from trunk of my car,so we ended up with no auger.After about 500yds. walk we stop and ask this fisheman with atv and power auger if he can help, he said i be there in a minute and ask how many hole we need we said 3 and two minutes later we were catching perch.People like this makes our fishing community. a lot better place for everyone. THANKS Buddy we did not catch your name, but for sure was nice to meet you.
  2. Where in Barrie will be?
  3. thanks everyone, im thinkin 2 weekend in Jan.
  4. i will try Nipissing lake this winter for a weekend on ice bungalow, anyone with experience here can help me?? thanks in advance
  5. Im planning on going Friday night for walleyes from shore,which will be a better choice??? thanks in advance and good luck everyone.
  6. i pass by Virginia beach at 2;30pm and saw people ice fishing,i coudnt believe it.
  7. i havent chek the bilge but i will now, the bottom of the boat is clean, nothing is leaking there. thanks BillM
  8. i use 832 and super 8 PP great stuff
  9. evrytime i will use the boat have to add some gear oil to it,i have cheked the ouside and is dry, does anybody knows where i may be loosing it?? if goes to the engine or just to the lake, i dont see no nothing going to the water. thanks for your help.
  10. last year i had a tear on a vinyl seat wich is about 4ft. by 2ft. wide took it to get fix and i was charged $225, at the start this season again is the same happening, even the guy put new vinyl, and he have since moved. if u can take cushion out and take it to a shop, but first make sure you shoppe around for a good job and price.
  11. i went to bass pro yesterday and the worker at service dept said i dont need to make no holes on the boat, and the transon is not straight, is a in/outboard motor, boat is a tahoe Q5 fishing.
  12. i was thinking to install the transducer on the inside of the hull,will i lose the water temp on the fishfinder or i will still see it?? thanks all
  13. i bought it last week and looks rounder and more limp than before, 50# cast far and smooth.
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