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Everything posted by ikoflexer

  1. Another thing to watch for that's too often forgotten on braided line is the little bit of fraying that happens near the leader. Changes the strength rating of the line a lot. So, re-tie often. Just my 2c.
  2. Best not to keep food exactly in the tent. But wherever you put it, don't get any ideas that bears will not come to your tent and eat you. There are bears and bears. It's not the regular bear that you should worry about because that's the bear that mostly avoids any contact with humans. It's the psycho bear that you should be PREPARED FOR. Here's the tip that one day will save your life. Get yourselves a larger spray can (like those hair styling sprays) and carry it handy together with a lighter. In the case of a bear attacking you've got yourself a small flame thrower by lighting the lighter while spraying. The idea is not to burn the bear, but to scare it. All animals are badly afraid of fire and bears are no different. Better even if you find a flamable pepper spray ... two in one. Now that's a business idea.
  3. To be clearer. I envision the LED with a small battery and water-sensitive switch to be integral part of the lure; epoxied on the inside, or on the side. I don't really see this any different than the glow in the dark spoons lots of people use for salmon these days. Also, does anyone know if they work any better than regular lures?
  4. Just wondering, does anyone know for sure if it's illegal to use in Ontario lures which incorporate a lit LED?
  5. Great pics! Wow! Thanks for sharing!
  6. That's the right one. They're UV LEDs, tiny, and intended for checking banknotes. Don't ask for "blacklight" in dollar store, they won't know what you're talking about. Ask about the tiny LED (blue light) flash light that you can check money with. Got mine a few days ago at the buck store near Jane and Lawrence. They had quite a few in stock, over 20 or so. It works very well indeed, but I'm not sure they work better than an ultrabright LED.
  7. This is about the best and most detailed advice one could give for getting them fair out of the pools, thanks Milty.
  8. I was like you at the beginning of the season. Get a Shakespeare Sigma rod+reel combo at Walmart, for $29; the rod is medium power, medium speed, light graphite. Excellent value for the money, Load the reel up with Fireline Chrystal line, 20lb test; it's very thin but strong (got it snagged and pulled a bulrush from the stem at Canal Lake with this outfit; have pic to prove). I caught bass, walleye, pike, and catfish with this, used it for trolling and casting. Used all kinds of lures on this, from 11 inches rapalas to Super Shad Rap and jitter bugs, or worm and bobber, worked like a charm. Use the rest of the money to get some lures and for gas to go fishing. After a season you'll have your own opinion about what to get next. In fact, I got another of those Sigma's since it worked so well for me. And watch me get a salmon on this same outfit... 'cause I plan to. A pike can cut off your line with its sharp teeth, so one puts a piece of wire at the end of the line (leader) onto which then one puts the lure (spoon, mepps, etc.). Hope this helps, and have fun fishing. Oh, and visit your local library, get a book on fishing, it'll explain lots that you need as a beginner, including knots, how to find fish, etc. Tight lines!
  9. I noticed a number of salmon reports in the last few days, and no one mentions where they'd been. It puzzles me greatly... what's the worse that can happen if you disclose your location. I'm sure that most people already know where the salmon runs are happening now, so it's not really a secret? I wonder if you have any stories of bad experiences following to disclosing a location in your report?
  10. http://www.fishonlineca.com/index.php?opti...5&Itemid=42 These guys are at Jane and Lawrence, very good supply of live bait.
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