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Posts posted by OhioFisherman

  1. I have probably eaten them too Doug, my grand parents lived above us in the city and they could cook anything. Not sure how much work was involved with the pigeons, they seemed like free range birds, just provide them with a safe place to sleep and breed?

    Downtown Cleveland seemed to have millions of them hanging around, even on public square with all the traffic and people, now they have some nests for falcons to help thin the flock?

    Can't picture them tasting much different than a cornish hen? chicken?

  2. On 8/17/2020 at 10:51 AM, akaShag said:

    As I remarked earlier, a fellow I knew used to fish for them, specifically to eat them.  He poached them in water and claimed the flesh was just like trout.

    When we were kids my dad took us fishing for the spring sucker runs, people used to eat them too. A different era? I always wondered about the number of people on my street growing up with pigeon coops, until my dad told me they were food not pets!

  3. On 8/20/2020 at 9:51 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    Back in 1983 I had a Tiger Musky mounted. It looks new to this day. Maybe because it was always kept moist as I had it hanging in the kitchen for years. That and Mr. Martin of Hamilton did it. He was an award winning taxidermist. I hope he is alive and well, he would be in his 80's now. It was $450.00 to do it then, that's a good chunk of change even for today. I always felt terrible I mounted a Musky until a few years back when I found out that Tiger Musky can not procreate. All those years of guilt for nothing. What does a good recreation cost today? I have more than a few personal bests that I have pics of and remember the dimensions to a T. The dimensions grow every year adjusted for inflation. 

    I had a 20 inch largemouth, a 20 inch smallmouth, a 28 walleye, and a 41 inch pike mounted, the cost for any of them would have paid for another week of cabin rental at Pointe Au Baril in those days and some cash left over. The pike wouldn't have swam away, kept it in the livewell which was too small for it so I could get back to camp to get a picture, all the others could have been released. Stopped keeping fish after that unless they were for a meal or weigh in, didn't even like to handle them too much.

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  4. I'm a geezer, I haven't had a fish mounted in 40 years, although I support the idea of replica mounts those are still pricey. You could probably get a picture blown up and put in a frame and take your son out and get him his own good quality rod and reel for the same price.

  5. That mushroom style of jighead has been around for quite awhile, Gopher Tackle had a trademark? on the name mushroom head and were pretty aggressive about preventing others from using it as a description from what I have heard.

    So what's new? basically the elastec plastic, and it's another go around for them too. They were hawking them back in the 1990's because they floated and were tougher than regular soft plastics, but weren't around long because they melted other soft plastics and boxes, and I never heard anyone lamenting their passing.

    Always liked the Gopher Tackle jigs, they gave you a few hook options, even long shanked ones for use in bigger (longer) worms. My understanding is they are gone now, even their web domin name is for sale.




  6. Very nice! I have MS, if I had thought that I would have gotten something like it I certainly would have opted to a ranch style home ( all one level ) than a 4 level split. Just something  to consider? With a degenerative back condition your wife may face more problems with things like stairs? They don't get any easier with age or medical issues.

  7. On 7/1/2020 at 8:03 AM, cisco said:

    Update on my last post. Part time workers were working the shifts they were scheduled but some were too scared with coming in when called for more shifts. So hospitals hired way more Part Time workers to compensate for this. This point seems a bit fishy since many of the new hires were from LTC (Long Term Care) and the Ford gov't mentioned they are 'retraining them' with no details. IMHO the gov't considering paying front-line hospital workers more due to risk has been answered by hiring more part-timers instead of paying existing workers more. So I very much doubt more hourly pay is on the horizon for front-line workers. Up to the unions to protect incomes but unions are too close to management and work hard to collect their dues only IMHO.     

    Not sure if and how many here care about Covid 'updates' but nice to vent on things explained to me by workers there. Seems the 'reopening' will be based solely on keeping ICU Covid numbers at or below the max.. Numbers are OK now but air travel is starting back up and the US/Cndn border re-opening will no doubt raise numbers again. The US has some serious outbreak states and many may want to get here. Their UI runs out end of month and desperation may interfere with food shipments to Canada. So stock up on things just in case. Big bag of rice....canned/frozen veggies and fruit. Canada has just had its credit score dropped and banks are eager to soon start foreclosing and absorbing assets. The economy cannot recover with so many lost service jobs and businesses restricted by social distancing and employers will surely drop wages as supply/demand offers them workers desperate to work.   

    I don't know how your system works up there Cisco, but I am guessing ours is somewhat similar? After my stint in the nursing home last summer things got a new clarity? Here when you hit the button for a nurse you generally get a STNA ( state tested nursing assistant ), there are definite limits on what they are allowed to do, window dressing to make people think the facility is properly staffed? LOL they had a help wanted sign out the whole time I was in looking for them, like 11.50 an hour?

  8. 17 hours ago, LefroyFisherman said:

    Oh ya it was a good fight, I’ve never caught one either lol! His rod was bent over like crazy. 

    We used to catch them once in awhile were Akri is located, they seemed to average around 4=6 pounds, they get much bigger though, one of my friends got one pushing 20 pounds there.

  9. 20 hours ago, kickingfrog said:

    Would a caddis hatch be more likely?

    Kick, I have heard of those, but from the pics I saw when I looked them up? no, just Mayflies.

    Dave, Port Clinton by the Erie Islands on this side of the lake has to do things like that.

    Scott, one year we went to PAB and they were all over, rafts of them floating on the water and fish rolling on them all over. It might have been real close to the bass opener or 4th of July, usually went up mid July to early August and then again in September for a guy trip. That year the fishing was tough, what ever was eating Mayflies seemed to be getting eaten by bigger fish.


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