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About phin#9

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. What happens if you turn 65 in the summer. Do you still have to purchase cards for the six month period Im still 64?
  2. How bout Team Canada fellas. Lots of credit to the guys who go to Europe to represent Canada after their club team missed the playoffs or were knocked out in the first round. Led by Mark Stone we have a nice little hockey club over there. What a game today. Never say die attitude. Beautiful. Go Canada Go!!
  3. One thing about leaf fans and a lot of them aren’t watching the best hockey of the year is if they are still watching they have about six other teams to cheer for. I guess that’s what happens when your team habitually doesn’t make the playoffs or are out in the first round. Have a nice day.
  4. Just so all the leaf fans know barring a miracle or some sort of collapse the B’s and leafs will be back in the same place next year in the playoffs same time,same bat station!!!!.Get ready. Go Bruins Go!!!!?
  5. Before the series started the experts were giving me/us all the reasons the maples were going to beat the B's. Now that series is over I'm/we're getting all the reasons why they didn't and couldn't beat the B's. I'm confused. Did the experts not believe what they were saying in the first place???Go Bruins Go!!!!!
  6. Lookin to buy a new unit.Willing to spend in the neighborhood of $500 and change. I'm a rental boat guy at holiday time so I want to make this thing portable building a box for it and hopefully running off a 12v battery like I did with the portable machine.I want to be able to mark spots as opposed to using land marks as a way to get reasonably close to spots where I have caught fish that's why I'm thinking about upgrading..I know there are a lot of choices but any input would be appreciated.I know the participants on this forum are usually knowledgeable and helpful that is why I'm posing this question.Thanks for any help in advance.
  7. Never apologize for concern over family or sticking up for your country. Two of the most important things in life. Good luck.
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. A rain suit doesn't seem important when fishing or golfing until it starts raining . Then it's too late.lol
  9. Just got back from a two week holiday on Nipissing where I fished off and on in the rain and got soaked. Any suggestions on rain gear. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Hello everyone. I'm an interested observer from S.Ont. who has been a member since 07 doesn't post very often (1) but likes to catch and read about fishing in Ont. I very much enjoy OFC for all the information you all provide. Everything from bug reports to how to catch fish. Keep up the good work. I have been reading with interest about water depths on Lake Nipissing this season. Has anyone from any level of government come up with a solution to the problem this year or are they hoping the Noah theory kicks in.(rain for forty days and forty nights)I.ve been going up to Nipissing with my family for sixteen years and I realize water levels have fluctuated between high and low but this year low water levels seem to be extreme from what I'm reading and being told by friends who have cottages up there. It could be costly for the tourism industry if people can't launch boats or even swim .It could also be a dangerous year and expensive with skags and props being damaged and motors flying through the air!I'd be interested to hear what the camp operaters on the lake have to say about the low water and any solutions they or any of the so called paid experts who govern over such things might have.Thanks for the time and space and I will continue to read with interest.
  11. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good color portable fishfinder.
  12. Wondering if anyones been fishing Callander Bay recently with any luck, going up on the weekend for two weeks of rest and relaxation and hopefully a few fish. Thanks
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