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Posts posted by evster

  1. How ever i also think that picture would have been even better had it been in black & white. ;)


    It does look pretty good in black and white as well:




    Deano, i'll give that a try next time i'm there for sure. I actually did try a couple times but I didn't have a tripod so with all the lines it didn't turn out to well.

  2. I am right in the middle of finishing up an old boat trailer to make use of it this year. I am in need of a couple square u-bolts but i'm having trouble finding them. I tried the big name stores (Canadian Tire, Rona, Home Depot, Home Hardware) but they all have like 3 different sizes, none of which will work for me.


    Anyone know of a specific store in my area (Waterloo) or the types of stores that tend to carry these things? I'd have to check the measurements again but I think i'm looking for one that is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, and is 1/4 diameter.


    Any help is much appreciated.




  3. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think that box is meant for spinnerbaits. I think the idea is that you can put the hook side of the spinnerbait in one of the compartments and the blades in the other. So when you flip one of the rows up the baits are all hanging vertically. Now if this makes no sense then maybe i'm thinking of a different box.

  4. I signed up a few weeks back. I was able to make picks for the second tourny. I managed to randomly pick one guy who made it into the top ten. Put me in place 10,000+!


    So this week was another random batch of guys! Maybe i'll get lucky!

  5. Saturday my bro and I are fixing up our old boat trailer to get the tinny ready for the season.


    Sunday is some yardwork if it doesn't rain.


    any other Turkey Hunters out there?


    I am taper. I usually make it out 2 weekends a year. This year i'm going out on the 26th and also the weekend of the 10th. My problem with turkey hunting is its too easy to fall asleep with that warm breeze.

  6. No investment, this is definitely a budget job B). Its just for a little tinny and won't be used for long trips. If it starts rusting again, no biggy, i'll just add some more paint.


    Thanks for the reassurance that Tremclad will to the trick.


    Any idea what retailers carry the stuff? I checked Canadian Tire last night and all they had in the gallon pails was red and yellow and they also didn't even have black spray cans.

  7. I have an old boat trailer that I want to make use of this year. It needs a new paint job though. What product do people suggest? I was planning on just using tremclad but I thought I would see what people use. I believe it is just plan steel and currently has a thin layer of rust, no flaking though.


    Any suggestions? I want to take advantage of the sunny day we're supposed to get this saturday.



  8. This past weekend my family all gathered at a cottage in Sundridge. We were there for an ice fishing derby to support my brother-in-laws sister who is a young single mother who just found out she has cancer. Funny thing is she was the one who encouraged me with her humility, generosity, and positive attitude even though she is going through such a tough time in her life. Anyway, I managed to snap a couple pictures on a walk we took through the bush behind the cabin. I like the way the sun is peeking through the trees.



  9. I find this is all a matter of preference and what feels right. I reel with my left for spinning reels and my right for baitcasters. Not sure why, but that is just what feels right to me. I have tried reeling with my right hand on a spinning reel and it doesn't feel right and same with my left on a baitcaster. If left for both feels more comfortable to you then thats what you should get.

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