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little angler

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Everything posted by little angler

  2. Couple of prizes here eh?(YES I AM CANADIAN) are you guys serious how you gonna get them to the winner )Better known as me) did i say that lol just playing
  3. k so that means no b.s little perch and sunfish. they have to be at least 10 inches 2 pounds around there sound good?
  4. Mike The Bass Fisher and i have decided to have a little competition this summer i will go off to Lake Nipissing for a week. Then he will go camping with his friend for a week. At the end of it all we are going to check who has the best pictures to show and best report to write! Should Be interesting! Good luck Mike!
  5. http://images.google.ca/images?um=1&hl...G=Search+Images just have a look, when i saw this my jaw dropped! enjoy! L.A
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3Plt8DyMk this video really cracked me up i hope when I'm older it dosn't come to this!
  7. no problem happy if i helped
  8. Two years ago i used that kinda of line but it was like 15lbs or something and was in a purple box , absolutely hated it . -It tangled way to easy -When i casted i saw my line was coiled -It also frays easily i found I'm back to Triline now Good Luck Little Agnler
  9. hahaha thats what i would do.. if i had a boat and was old enough to drive one
  11. hey everyone if you saw the fight can you inform me of who won im curiouse (made a bet with a friend) need to know who won the fight couldn't watch it
  12. Is carp good to eat i caught a sheep head last year and someone told me it was a type of carp and that it tastes bad.
  13. Well my dad phoned promised land camp 3 days ago Frank and Claire are gone indeed, didn't even get to say good bye . When my dad phoned he asked for Claire or Frank and the new guy said they had just sold the place and what not. The new guy Henning seems really nice my dad says. Him and his wife have just moved from kitchener so i thought i might just let you know about that, I'm sure the new guy Henning and his wife will make us feel at home just as Frank and Claire did.
  14. if I'm 13 would that mean I'm the youngest on this forum perhaps?
  15. why are they leaveng ?
  16. wont be the same
  17. Your kidding me Frank is selling it?
  18. this will be my 3rd time this year frank is a great help thanks!
  19. LOL thanks bro gotta work on spelling see school is killing my brain im daft!
  20. Hey everyone have not been on the account in a while now. In July my family and i will be heading off to nipissing for our annual summer trip. Cant wait its so far away. And having to go to school each day makes it seem even longer,grade eight aint a walk in the park. Anyways i was just wondering if anyone had some fishing tips for fishing the south shore of nipissing , staying at promised land . Im looking to catch some good size bass small mouth and large and maybe my first musky i would appreciate some pointers if you have any! L.A
  21. Ok so i was fishing the south shore of nipissing last year and forgot to show some of the pics form the trip going again in 3 months with my family so excited!!so heres just a few pics form the trip of what i caught ill upload more later
  22. welcome i go to promised land camp (lake nipissing) every year with my mom,dad and sister.promised land camp is a great place to relax and recharge your batteries!theres lots for the kids canoe trip,swimming,water tramptoline,waterslide,dock fishing an the place provides gas and boats!its a great place to stay so look it up! Little angler
  23. k im heading up to lake nipissing on saturday morning for 11 days and i need some advice for bringing in a huge muskie,iv never caught on but i have a lot of te muskie lures and i was wondering if you guys had any tips for me like what colors to use and such so yeah im heading up on saturday and i hope to post a lot of pics for yall cuz i just got my new digi camra thnx in advance L.A
  24. welcome this is a great board for fish talk ! some nice fish you have caught there im heading up to nipissing for 10 days in 2 days for some fishing and i hope to catch my first muskie!!!!!!! cheers little angler
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