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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. I was an advisor for almost 20 years, both investments and life insurance. My advice is this, buy monthly, don't worry about the market, and when everyone is losing their shirts, buy blue chip mutual funds aggressively. Stick to a balanced approach and don't get greedy. Pigs get slaughtered. I saw 2000 coming and also the 2009 meltdown. Everybody called me crazy. Those that listened still stay in touch even though I left the business over 3 years ago.

  2. Usually, for kids learning too water ski, there is an adult spotter holding the ski rope in his / her hands. The rope is not attached to the boat until they get the hang of it. This is because the first few times they go down, kids tend to have a death grip on the rope's handle and end up getting dragged. As soon as they go down, the spotter should drop the rope immediately. I've gotten close to 10 kids up on skis in the past 3-4 years, just this past year did I buy an actual ski rope to hook onto the boat.

  3. We just picked up a 4 burner Weber for the cottage. Very very nice BBQ. I have a 14 year old Broil King at home that is done. The base has rotted out completely. My brother has a 14 year old Weber that looks pretty much new. I have replaced the burner twice and the igniter gave up the ghost after a year or so. The Weber has everything working and nothing has been replaced. Napoleon's are nice but the burners go often on them. My dad has one that he bought 4-5 years ago. It needs a 3rd set of burners now. Go with Weber. Pay up front and you will not regret

  4. Definite adventure in th making!!!! Cliff, jigs, jigs and jigs, along with some lindy rigs for drifting around, a few slow death rigs are nice to have too if they have lockjaw. A bunch of plastics, a flat of crawlers and you are good to go. A portable fishfinder will make your life a lot easier, batteries for it (rechargeable would be great if you have the means to recharge). A cpl rods and reels each, a replacement tip, a net, extra line and maybe a few rapalas. Food wise, prepare as much as you can in advance. Premade oatmeal in a coffee can or ziplock, pancake mix (doubles as fish coating), a couple frozen pasta sauces made in advance, a couple nice frozen steaks, dry pasta, dry rice, a sack of potatoes, some onions, bread, sandwich meat, BACON, BACON and some more BACON. Some snacks and the like. Think about what you want to eat in advance and do the prep at home to make your life at the camp easier. Some pop, alcoholic bevvies of your choice (I know you two are not big drinkers but a cold beer on a hot day......), a mickey of rye and one of brandy and you are good to go.

  5. I wish you the best of luck as you begin this journey. Attitude is very very important. Kick it to the curb, then go and grind that crap into dust. You need to be a stubborn dude to this godforsaken disease. 4 1/2 yrs ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage 4b. Had I not started treatment, I would have been lucky to last another month or so. Chemo was no fun but I perservered. My Dr and my oncology nurses (who are the unsung heroes btw) were amazed at how I dealt with it. Do not let your mind take you to bad places. Read, watch tv, movies, listen to music, watch youtube, do anything to occupy your mind. Find out what exactly are the treatment options, if there is more than one, ask why your Dr chose the one they plan to give you. Educate yourself on the disease you have. ASK QUESTIONS!! Lots of them and do not give up!!

  6. It's the middle of winter. Not a whole lot of fishing going on so people are a bit testy over things that will normally not bug them. Some call it the silly season. I look at it this way, if I don't like a topic, I move on. Simple as that. I don't get incensed over nonsense which is what politics is or what rod or reel is better. I like what I like and can speak to my personal experience on a given subject. Other than that, I keep my mouth shut. I don't go trolling or looking for a fight. I'd rather do something more constructive like watching paint dry. So Cliff, fill your boots. You and a few other members here have been around the block once or twice, I'd rather listen to your rant thatn someone much younger who has no clue as to how the world works and to what actually matters and what are distractions.

  7. Calcutta. Without a doubt. I have a 400TE that is my Go to reel. I toss smaller stuff with my Curado 300E, jerkbaits with an Abu Record 60, an Abu 7000i for double 10s and another Abu 7000 for trolling. It took me 3-4 years to accumulate but now I do not need anything other than the odd new bait or leaders and some new line. Buy good gear, it will last and take a lot of use and abuse, cheaper gear will always leave you wanting and always end up needing to be be replaced because it falls apart. Welcome to the musky fray. Have fun.

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