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Everything posted by gforce

  1. Thanks all. Yes, targeting this species is weird, but, for a rookie looking for action ( a friend new to fishing ) a few tips is a good thing! I have caught them on cleos on consectuive casts, so, I think they school and work the bottom.
  2. jig & worm? floating? sinkin'?
  3. what is the best setup for this fish?
  4. Anyone starting to itch to do some fishing at Ontario Place? Any target dates?
  5. How much?
  6. Hey all, Was looking for a used pontoon boat that is short ( less than 12 feet long). I have seen them before and was wondering if anyone has experience with them and/or suggest a manufacturer of one. Parents are looking for a "knee-friendly" means of transport. TIA
  7. If it is fly-in, the lake is probably stacked with walleye. Bring a bunch of colours and have a go at it. I like the extra-long twister tails ( about 6" long ). Yellow seems to do the trick
  8. I usually put the carcass back into the water for all the beasties to munch on. In a couple days, even the bones are gone. Recycle
  9. You should consider getting a different colour bucket. There are always a few bad apples out there no matter where you go... "Sure, racial slurs have now become the norm to me while fishing in any area outside of the bigger cities like Toronto, Hamilton, and Belleville." I am surprised that you always have problems outside the metro areas. I find fishing a great way to talk to others ( different race incl. ) not a medium for aggression and tension. I always wondered why people get ticked at the "white buckets"? I guess they do no like people keeping tons of smaller fish? Who knows. The only time I get upset at any angler is if they are breaking the law and continue to do so after being told. I would not let these bullies get you down, their behaviour is clearly wrong.
  10. Being a product designer, I would suggest using 2 screws per side. The greater the distance between the screws on each side the more rigid the design. It would also be beneficial to have the aluminum piece be an angle rather than a strip. My 2 cents.... If it works... use it.
  11. Wondering if anyone has had some luck there with salmon?
  12. we do that too!
  13. where abouts were you fishing?
  14. where were you if you do not mind me asking?
  15. Hi All, Was @ HBPE at the footbridge again. Was fishing worms for cats with coopdog and ilikefish. Caught a lot of 1 lb'ers in the past week. This was our best night! We all caught a fish, myself 2! Hooked into a big one and thought it was a carp.. Did not see it for a good 5 minutes and it was quite the battle. Was using my light tackle w/20 lb P.P. with a floating jig, worm and bell shaped weight. Finally raised it and it was a big catfish. Did not weigh or measure, sorry. It was probably 18-22" long and i guessed it about to be 10-15 lbs. I am 6'6", if that helps. This thing put any carp I have caught to shame! GO CAT FISHIN' TODAY Check it out!
  16. Hi All, Went to HBP last night with coopdog and ilikefish. We decided to change it up a bit and get some worms to target sheephead or catfish. Set up coopdog with a floating jig/worm and a linesplitter w/weight. He got on the board first a nice catfish... HIS FIRST OFFICIAL CATCH IN CANADA! Ilikefish invested in a fresh spool of POWERPRO ( 20lb ). I showed him how to spool the line. Since he was going to float fish, I suggested he toss on a heavy spoon, cast it out and "settle" the line. He tosses out a suggested 20 yard cast and retrieves.. no problem. I tell him to whip it out "there" and he cranks one out. BOOM he has a fish ( his first game fish ) on... and it has some size! I showed him how to use the drag on his reel and he fought it for a good 3-4 minutes. We finally see the fish... a 4-5 lb pike. Not to long but beefy. He took the spoon out a few times. Ilikefish was very happy. We got it up for the catch and release, but, he popped his head and the lure popped out.... he was sad... i always think of that as an easy release ( no smelly pike grease ). I followed up with 2 catfish. These guys are on to worms now..... Enjoy!
  17. Went out last night with coopdog and ilikefish to cast some spoons etc. Saw the usual massive carp everywhere.... Caught a baby king salmon on a blue Trophy I williams around 9PM. Fun stuff!
  18. lol. i was wondering if we could use something larger than a minnow for bait..... sunfish seems a good candidate... but, not if it is illegal. wish i could use gobies for bait! have to read the regs.
  19. the dam at the end of rice lake is a neat spot. never know what you will catch. it is in hastings. check it out on google earth!
  20. a friend of mine has cottages ( real fishing cottages - i.e. nothing spectacular ) in wellington. it is called pilgrims landing. i think he has boats too!
  21. yes, it was exciting to hav4e a "bass" pull that hard. i could tell it was a muskie when it flashed under water... could see the stripes and its fins and tail... gets the heart pumpin!
  22. was casting a small beatle-spin this weekend, at the cottage, off my dock. i hooked into a smallie ( about 8-9" ). He took a jump and I commented on how fiesty he was and decided to reel him in and release him. got him about 6 feet from the dock and he took a dive..... wow! this sucker had some fight! bent my rod over, so, stood up and watched my rod bend under the dock.... "quite the smallie I laughed" as my dad watched. this sucker was not moving, so, I pulled to see if he was wrapped around a dock weight line.... nope it moved.... I pulled hard and pulled out a muskie with my bass almost down its throat!!! WOW! COOL. I could have let him swallow the bass, but, I figured he may have died with the lure jammed down there, so, I yanked the smallie out of his mouth. The muskie made another hit on him and I pulled the bass out.... the muskie swam away... The smallie was covered in a mess of 10mm gashes all over his body... I am sure he will survive! Decided to throw on a 8" gold williams spoon. Casted and the muskie followed it a few times. Made some attempts to get him to bite, but, no luck. Never really got a full look at him, he was big. I figure the muskie was about 40 inches and perhaps 20-30 lbs. fun stuff.. only ever saw this stuff on videos... now i have seen it for real! Enjoy! -G
  23. Have you heard of using frayed nylon rope? It tangles in the teeth.
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