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  1. The thread is about Algonquin Park.... Last year's ice out in Algonquin was May 10 and the record is May 15
  2. Not a chance it's that late.. it would beat the record ice out by a significant margin....things are ahead of last year and ice out was may 10...ice will likely be gone this year sometime the first week of may
  3. Agreed they are terribly overpopulated. All coyotes in Ontario ought to be killed as they are not native to Ontario.
  4. You'll be happy with the Mossberg or the 870, but the Browning BPS is the best pump shotgun on the market....if the Brownings weren't twice as much as an 870 then the BPS would be the best selling pump of all time haha
  5. 100% agreed....gotta love government monopolies.
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