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Posts posted by Bly

  1. A few weeks ago, Slowpoke and I began making plans to get out for some Lake O Salmon and this was to be the weekend. Starting watching the weather and hoping that the forecast would improve as the week went on. No such luck. Slowpoke and I each poured over weather and lake maps to try and find somewhere, anywhere to fish this weekend. After many discussions and changes in plans it was finally decided that we would head to a Kawartha Lake as we had found one area that looked as though it might be OK in my 14ft tinny. A few hours later, one last change, Percher would be joining us and we would fish out of his boat....I am so glad that we did.


    The captain and co-captain for the day




    The gents picked me up about 6:30 and we were off loaded with rain gear and hopes for a decent day. We were all watching the winds on the way up, arrived at the launch, boat in the water and wouldn't you know it, the rain starts and only a short while after that, the wind and not the forecasted wind for the area, white caps.


    Took this shot just before the wind began to pick up


    We decided to make the best of it and try trolling. 3 anglers in the boat, so three different presentations went in the water. Started marking fish but no takers, change up, 3 new presentations and something about maybe it was better to troll based on depth rather than at 12volts :whistling: . Slowpoke gets first fish of the day.




    Bass were biting fairly steady even though the rain and winds continued... a few pictures...



    Thanks again Percher for the line tangles :angel:



    Winds increased and we decided to tuck in along a shore line that has been good for me in the past. A few more bass were caught and then we started seeing this on the fish finder...



    We made a few passes over the area, started catching perch and feeling some light, fast double taps.....walleye. Presentation change and.....


    Slowpoke managed another before the bite shut right down. Moved on in hopes of teasing a few more fish out of the lake but no such luck.


    Slowpoke and Percher...it wasn't a great weather day but the company was and the fishing decent, thanks again, I had a great time.


    PS See, not a word about the sunfish...

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