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skippy jr

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Everything posted by skippy jr


  2. thats a big boat in the background....wait does that say musky mikes floating school of fishing.....lol
  3. Those fish were huge.
  4. i have no clue
  5. you always wanna have the boat going as slow as possible not to slow but anough to were the boat is moving.
  6. what...lol....the patato.... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
  7. lol
  8. lol....it all started well i was in bed at 5 in the morning
  9. ya its hard
  10. yesterday me and my grandpa went usally he is catching alot but this time i showed him who is boss lol and caught more than him i also caught the biggest one he still caught alot but not as much we had alot of fun after fishing we called my brother and took him on a boat ride he doesnt eat meat so we had to hide the fish lol even if we didnt he would still be sittin there texting i called him king text and he ignord me but thenwe got home and took a nap then got up and cleaned and cooked the fish for a nice dinner if you wanna here it more detaild talk to skipper my grandpa goodbye skippy
  11. lol..... :clapping: :clapping:
  12. those were good times sittin on the front of the boat im never gonna forget
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