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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. I don't see how zebra mussels could possibly endanger the environment. The don't grow large, they spawn in the spring in areas where no other fish dare to tread, they don't compete with any other species other than the fact that they eat plankton.......

  2. Thanks for the link. would love to see a stocking program in place for these fish. so does anyone have Facts on the few they stocked( return rate, how successful, reason for stopping stocking efforts)? any plans on staring a stocking program again?


    Returns are really hard to judge, but starting this year they have started stocking coho's again.

  3. What everybody always seems to forget in discussions about this nifty new section to the HTA is that THERE ISN'T A SINGLE ITEM IN IT THAT WASN'T ALREADY COVERED BY EXISTING LAWS. It's a frightening shortcut of the usual parliamentary system to fast track a provincial money making machine.


    Global is running a series on 203 this week on the 6pm news, so far there's been 2900 cases that have gone through the system. The conviction rates break down into 20/40/40. 40% convicted, 40% plead down to lower charges, 20% innocent.


    The last one is what burns me the most. You're looking at around $1200 for towing, impound and license reinstatement, that's BEFORE you ever get into a court room, and there's NO WAY to get any of that back if exonerated. So far that's almost SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND raped from peoples pockets this year, just on the word of a cop at the side of the road. If those levels stay the same for all 8500 charged so far we're looking at $2,000,000 for PEOPLE COMPLETELY INNOCENT OF THE CHARGE. Then we come to those who were plead down, usually to 49km/h over. This is where the "transition zone" comes in. Where 100 or 80km/h limits drop and rise at the apparent drop of a random hat. My personal favourite is the garbage truck caught "racing" at 102km/h in a 50 zone. That the 200m long zone is in the middle of nowhere at the intersection of two dead straight barren roads doesn't matter. Has there ever been an accident there....ever? Probably not, but hey it's all in the name of "safety". How would you like to be out of pocket for that tow bill? Was the driver of the truck convicted? Nope, plead down.


    Get a motorcycle, they pull you over at any speed for that "routine" check.


    I don't think I've ever had a cop measure the tread depth on any of the cars I've been driving when I get pulled over, seen it three times so far this year on the bike. It's a favourite of the cops along the Grand, Guelph, Waterloo/Kitchener & Brantford. Those guys amp up the definition of "fishing".


    And then there's the whole whack of other actions that can get you charged with "stunting", and these seem to hit bikers the hardest. 50 over is the one aspect that everybody focuses on, but there's a ton of other things that you can be burnt with, they are:

    Definition, “stunt”


    3. For the purposes of section 172 of the Act, “stunt” includes any activity where one or more persons engage in any of the following driving behaviours:


    1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to lift some or all of its tires from the surface of the highway, including driving a motorcycle with only one wheel in contact with the ground, but not including the use of lift axles on commercial motor vehicles.


    2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.


    3. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to spin it or cause it to circle, without maintaining control over it.


    4. Driving two or more motor vehicles side by side or in proximity to each other, where one of the motor vehicles occupies a lane of traffic or other portion of the highway intended for use by oncoming traffic for a period of time that is longer than is reasonably required to pass another motor vehicle.


    5. Driving a motor vehicle with a person in the trunk of the motor vehicle.


    6. Driving a motor vehicle while the driver is not sitting in the driver’s seat.


    7. Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit.


    8. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by,


    i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing,


    ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so,


    iii. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to drive, without justification, as close as possible to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object on or near the highway, or


    iv. making a left turn where,


    (A) the driver is stopped at an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal system in response to a circular red indication;


    (B) at least one vehicle facing the opposite direction is similarly stopped in response to a circular red indication; and


    © the driver executes the left turn immediately before or after the system shows only a circular green indication in both directions and in a manner that indicates an intention to complete or attempt to complete the left turn before the vehicle facing the opposite direction is able to proceed straight through the intersection in response to the circular green indication facing that vehicle. O. Reg. 455/07, s. 3.


    So if you're riding a bike for a few hours, your leg gets tired and you stand on the pegs to give them a stretch........oooops you're now a "stunter" because you've left the seat. Sounds stupid right? Well atleast one poor sod has been busted for that, by over zealous cops looking to use these new nifty powers at every opportunity they can. And they are stretching those fuzzy definitions as far as they can.


    I have NO problems with the Racing/Speeding law , fatalities have reduced 40% since it was introduced , coincidence ?, think again.


    Um....yeah......right :rolleyes:

    Maybe a 100% increase on gas prices over two years might have something to do with less people driving less distance and crashing less? 96% of accidents happen at 20km/h over or less, that's the stat that Cam Wooley will NEVER give in a sound bite. Because if 296 fatalities out of 300 don't have anything to do with speeding, golly gee our whole money making traffic enforcement system might be in jeopardy. No more officers, no more planes, and alot less revenue.


    Because traffic enforcement in this province, with it's artificially low limits (the lowest in North America), with the highest fines, is all about revenue generation and NOTHING to do with safety.

  4. The fall of 2007 would have been the last run from MNR stocked fish. Metro East Anglers did collect eggs from the 2007 run for stocking, so hopefully we can get some better runs in the future. We do hope to collect eggs this year as well.


    The lack of a fin clipping does not indicate that it is not a stocked fish. 2008 is the first year that all stocked fish are being fin clipped. I am not aware of any coho's being clipped in previous years. In past years, the Chinooks involved in pen rearing projects were clipped. However, the majority or Chinooks stocked in previous years were unclipped.


    Your fish may have been been a stray from the U.S. (who still stock cohos), an Ontario stocked fish that spent an extra year in the lake, or a naturally reproduced fish.


    I believe that all Ontario stocking was in the Credit; however, I am not sure about that.


    Bronte, Credit & Humber all got ho's for a few years, all clipped, as an experimental stocking to judge returns. Secretly I think they stopped because of the embarrassment to the Atlantic program and their dismal returns, very few coho's were stocked but if you were on the Ringwood egg collection last year you'd remember that the chinooks were almost outnumbered by the coho's at the dam! Compare that with the ONE Atlantic captured.....even though there were twice as many stocked for that year class.


    Here's all the stocking info for all the great lakes, great dbase.



  5. 49 over, are you bragging or showing your lack of consiousness.


    Transition zones, passing slower cars.....you'd be surprised how easy it is to have your car seized for a week....on your dime, no matter what the outcome of the trial. There's a reason the OPP always stake out the end of the 407 & 410, 100km/h down to a 60 zone, woohoo make the monthly quota in two weeks!


    Did you even read the posts above? There is no set amount, if you want to have full peace of mind drive AT the speed limit, that's what its there for.


    Ofcourse here is where I bring up the story of the guy who got ticked he was ticketed for 117km/h on the 401 out by Oshawa.....so he drove right AT the limit for a week, no matter how many vehicles he backed up behind him. Two weeks later he got an even bigger ticket for blocking the flow of traffic by driving too slow.


    But hey, it's all about safety right?



    I don't think there is a set rule.... I have only ever been pulled over doing 20KM + over though. I have seen others get tickets for doing as little as 12 over though. The officer said her sargeant said no free passes that night so she was writing up anything that moved LOL. (she did offer to knock the ticket down but then corrected herself and said the fine is the same up to 17KM over with no points)


    I think road conditions, area, type of vehicle you are in and what kind of day the officer is having play a more important role than anything. Of course one thing every officer I have ever talked to will agree on is the fact that they don't like standing out in the freezing rain or driving sub zero winds to write the same type of ticket they would gladly hand out on a warm summer's day.


    More like time of the month is the biggest factor, beginning of the month and end. Filling the quotas early so they can kick back, and scrambling to fill them with any charge they can find at the end. Rain, snow & fog is actually the best time to hit the gas, particulates screw up the radar.


    Backroads you're usually pretty safe unless it's a known hotspot like the 507 or Big Chute.

  6. Fish had no fin clips so it wasnt a stocked fish. I didnt see many flashes in the pool so i dont think there were many.


    The Yanks don't fin clip their ho's, and I don't think they were EVER stocked in that trib. Strays just colonized it very nicely.

  7. Or also Stevie Ray Vaughn, the man could play. Too bad he passed away in the chopper crash.


    Why oh why can't we get Jon Bon Jovi on a helicopter..........c'mon get in Jon.....yeah yeah there's a hairdresser in there, really, now get in......



    Heh, anybody hear of Funtwo?




    Lol this guy is pretty fun too :D



  8. Salmon run's the best I've seen in a while on the Lake Erie tribs. Ours are about 98% natural with 2% strays from the US.


    Ontario has never stocked any chinook into Erie, the US used to stock Dunkirk & the Catt but stopped putting kings in years ago. There hasn't been any Kings stocked in Erie since 1997.


    Though lot's are being caught, they're either strays that have colonized rivers, or even Huron stocked fish that have come down in a search for food.

  9. That's the way to spend some time off, WTG on the mixed bag!


    I think that's a fisher as well, I see them crawling around the rocks when I head to the banks on Lake O sometime. I like to call them rock rats, lol.


    Y'know looking at it again I'm going to have to go with fisher, martens have bigger ears like a cats and their tails are bushier. There's a small colony of goby addicted martens that run around Bronte after dark, watching them wrestle with lampreys can be a fun way to pass the time :D

  10. Nice fish. Heh, atleast somebody is catching them.

    As it stands now I've caught more chinooks off the piers in July than September........


    40"+ is going to be pushing 30lb, what Kemper said they seem to stop growing and just become fat pigs. Last 40"er I caught was two years ago that was 42" went 29.5lb. It's funny what a few inches can do for salmon, I haven't caught one smaller than 34" and biggest has been 38" and change, weights all over the place from high teens to high twenties.

  11. Mega Metal=JB Weld knockoff?


    If it's an area that doesn't flex much it will bond to aluminum fine. Helped a guy out earlier in the year who had dumped his bike and broke a chunk out of the tranmission cover, JB Weld'd it up on the side of the road and it held oil for the 200km ride back. Saved a big tow bill.


    How big a crack are we talking about? If the largest gap is less than 1/4" it should work fine on a riveted keel.

  12. Highland Creek and Whitby Harbour are both stocked with Chinook salmon. I wouldn't assume that fish from the eastern GTA are either natural or strays from the USA. There are plenty hatchery fish out here.


    I'm old enough (and travel to the states enough) to know what lot's of fish are, your idea of "plenty" and mine are a bit different. The # of returns doesn't jibe with stocking, those fish are coming from somewhere. The MNR says there's alot of natural reproduction to justify not stocking, most guys with alot of rod time have a gut instinct that most are Yankee table scraps. The irony being the fin clipping you are talking about that will definitively answer this question in four years wouldn't be possible without NYS loaning multi-million dollar equipment to Ontario this spring for a week.


    from what i've read, there's only a 2% survival rate on the salmon spawn in the Lake O tribs (approximate number of course)... if they stopped stocking... there will not be very many fish coming into the streams... but from the year they had on the lake this year, you would think the run would be pretty good, with a lot of big fish entering the rivers...


    Salmon are migratory, just because fish are caught off Port Credit in July doesn't mean they won't be across the lake in September. There's lot's of big fish entering rivers.......just not in Ontario. That 2% number has been bandied about for 20 years, and now is generally thought to be way off. Don't forget that's also including fish stocked in rivers that have ZERO reproduction (i.e. chinooks in the Credit are not allowed above the Streetsville dam, essentially reducing their chances of spawning to nil, and I don't think there's too many spawning infront of the Burlington Lift Bridge). Here's a link to a 2005 MNR funded study that's part of the current research into reproduction, in the rivers out East there's ALOT of reproduction happening. But even in the best case over half the fish returning are stocked fish..........returning to rivers where NONE were stocked. Those mystery fish have to be coming from somewhere, and it sure as heck isn't Ontario hatcheries......errrr hatchery.






    The man is correct....I was out east at the end of August and couldn't believe how many fish were in one of the tribs. Best part is there was only a handfull of guys on the river. It was like Salmon paradise...thick runs of fresh fish, pools all to yourself, and fishing in a tank top.... Word got around fast ,cause within a week and a half there weren't many left <_<


    So one run of fish and a few days of decent fishing over five weeks is a good season to you? Off Bronte there's only been three days of decent fishing in the last five weeks, usually only the 3-4 hours it takes for a run to work itself past the pier and up the river. The rest of the time it's a vast desert wasteland, if there's two fish landed in the entire harbour all night that's a good night. Credit isn't doing any better, Oshawa is barren compared to the last two years, I got lucky at Dalhousie and caught one run but the rest of time I haven't seen a single fish landed.......usually at dawn even if you weren't catching anything there would be atleast fish surfacing SOMEWHERE on the horizon. Instead it's just a vast open barren lake. There's a few fish trickling in here & there but the East & West runs are pretty much over, and it's been a sad sad season any way you cut it. Dalhousie is still going to pick up in the next week or two, but I'm not expecting much. That pretty much leaves the Niagara, which are all Yankee fish.

  13. :Gonefishing:If the Ministry didn't put many in these tribs 4 years ago, you won't see many coming back this year..........


    In 1971, first year for chinook stocking, the MNR stocked 90000 chinook fry into the Ganaraska. In 2004.......zero. Most of the chinooks out east are actually natural (or Yankee strays....Thank You NYS!)......because the MNR pretty much stopped stocking 'nooks out there a long time ago.


    Weee this is fun......

    Okay in 2002 Oshawa got 50000, 2004.....25000.

    Lol, in 1985 the Credit was stocked with THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND!!!!!!!, dang. 2004, 85000..........


    BTW, 354000 chinooks is more than what was stocked by the MNR in Port Dalhousie, Jordan, Burlington, Bronte & Credit.......COMBINED in 2004.


    Historical dbases are fun...........only I'm not laughing anymore.


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