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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. as long as you bring sucker meat some egg sinkers and big hooks i doubt you will be skunked every one down there got one



    Dang I was fishing in that exact spot with the same set up and bait on friday and got skunked. No fish were caught between the 15 people there all day so I guess i picked the wrong day to try.


    Anyhow nice fish, that second one looks like a beast.



    Was going to say, I stopped by on Friday and there was some serious skunking going on, even the boats were coming up dry.


    Pure, was the bite more in the morning or steady all day? I made up some cat bait and going to give it a shot some time this week.

  2. I don't think it's dawned on most people that this is going to be the single largest tax increase in Ontario history. EVERYTHING just got hit 5%-8%.


    Phone, cable & cellphone bill (which is already at outrageous monopolized pricing) just got an 8% bump.


    Used car sales.


    Out of province purchases.


    Home owners are going to get HOSED. Hope you did all those reno's last year, because your budget needs to be 8% larger now. New home purchases just got popped for 8%, and hey let's talk about all those other nifty fees involved that aren't applicable for a GST rebate. A 400k home will now cost 438k, overnight.



    Quick vote Liberal now, while there's still something left to steal!

  3. Mr. Ritchie :clapping:



    You did forget two things.


    1) Raising one atlantic costs 3x more than one steelhead, because the only success has come from releasing yearlings, opposed to the fingerlings of all other species stocked. So the question isn't do you want steelhead, chinook or atlantics, it's do you want 2000 chinook, 1000 rainbows, or 1 atlantic. And that one atlantic will cost more than 3000 returning rainbows to raise in hatcheries.


    2) There never were any atlantics outside of Lake Ontario. So the only place where they are even moderately successful they are an invasive species!

  4. Ah jeez not this crap again...........



    Okay, just assume there are NO Atlantics, because their survival in the lake is ABYSMAL.

    I know I know, you have a friends uncle who once caught an Atlantic.....good for you. Really.




    Can we just go a month of trout & salmonid fishing without somebody piping up "gee looks like an Atlantic"? Please?

    Because it's not.


    P.S. EVERY trout & salmon flake their scales off easy in the lake. Because they're growing. Fast. So they shed.

  5. Heh decision time......you're next to a guy on the pier.


    He has a nice brown hooked.


    It's his first one.


    He has it hooked on his Rapala by the rear hook only, and there's two dangling trebles you just KNOW are going to end up in a ball of mesh.





    What do you do?


    P.S. After this weekend I have two nice holes in my net. Aargh.

  6. 5lb Navy anchor up front, with small Bass Pro sea anchor out back. Keeps swinging to a minimum unless you're in a crazy spot where the wind switches 180 every five minutes. My navy anchor I picked up in a surplus store for $5, knowing how overpriced Crappy Tire has become they'll want something retarded for it.


    For portaging into lakes the only thing that won't get sliced up by Shield rocks is a basketball net filled with stones.

  7. Took it out for a road test today and was surprised at how fast this thing is.


    Heh jetted with pipes that lump will pull any pushrod Hardley that is remotely stock.


    Was going to say your plate placement is going to get you into trouble, then noticed you're from Va. Up here that would get you pulled over faster than riding without a helmet. Fun little ride.

  8. South of 522 there are more canoe access bass lakes than you could fish in 20 years. Pretty much every lake there has decent bass fishing, and larger ones still have good numbers of huge bass. Fly-in or portage only, so car camping is out of the question. Pickup a copy of Backroads Mapbooks, look for access roads and pick a few lakes for a weekend.


    And there's no musky in the area.

  9. Lotteries are a tax on the stupid.


    Sorry, but it's true.

    Okay, try this. Stand on top of the CN Tower, beneath you there's 6 MILLION Timmies cups.


    One of them is painted blue.


    Drop a nickel in the blue one. Pay an appointed (anointed?) swivel servant $3/pop for the privilege.





    Carry on.

  10. If you're caught on the road with studs on your tires south of Parry Sound it's a $1k fine. Just sayin'.......

    Frenchman's Bay is fine though, and slightly awesome :D


    What water temps usually start putting your usual spot off, how long can the brownie bite still be decent there?

    Keep meaning to go back there but my gonads are starting to shrivel with age. Ever see any pickeral, used to get some nice ones after dark along the rip rap there after dark?

  11. i think it needs to be a lot older to be worth money. hold on to it for 25years then ask around




    Unfortunately age has nothing to do with coin value. It's all about scarcity & errors. My grandfather collected pennies in his spare time, by the time he was done he found every penny from 1900 to 2000. 1900 penny might fetch $5, 1923 $50 (only a few thousand made that year in the Depression), but the most valuable he found was an off centre struck 1978 that was missing half the Queens head, $500.


    Run of the mill Canadian coins will never be worth much, a set like yours will be lucky to fetch $100 in your lifetime.

  12. Dash 8's are known for their effective de-icing equipment, so it could be a maintenance issue seeing as how it was a smaller commuter airline.


    It will take awhile to hunt down exactly what it was, but odds are it was probably a small widget that was due to be replaced "later".

  13. I was by Caledonia today, and the water there is starting to go down now that it's flowing in the lower.

    Still really high, but not out of the ordinary for the season.




    Those aren't rocks, that's the ice everybody is talking about. Every tree on the island has the bark cleaned off on the upstream side. And yup, it's about 6' higher than it usually is.




    No kidding.



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