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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. Uni > Jam Knot


    If you clip the tag end too close it will work loose out of the top loop because there's zero pressure on it, sending your beloved prize lure flying off to the horizon or prematurely releasing a prized fish with a hardware jaw tag.


    3 guesses on how I figured that out?

  2. Considering they're removing the sand bar that was a semi-secret night time honey hole, kinda sucks. If you've got a small boat or something like a canoe they'll still probably be a few good days casting the beach with an empty pier.


    With crystal clear water that is extra low this year, Bronte will be either on or off. Burlington gets less fish, but atleast there's always some holding close.

  3. A sanctuary would never be delineated by a tree or other temporary landmark. Call the MNR info line for details.


    Outside of suburban S.Ont you'd be surprised what gets used as a "marker". It'll make sense to the locals but if you're used to having your countryside divided into neat squares things like "No Fishing 240.8m East of Happy Face Rock" can make you wonder.

  4. I have checked the regs before going there and could not find anything, but not being from there and not knowing that area well at all i left. I drove to Bait Casters, which was only couple of minutes from there and talked to a nice lady who worked there and she said that the area is closed only while bass season is closed, which makes sense.


    You need to look harder.




    Mississippi River - Drummond Twp.,

    from 79.2 m (260 ft.) east to 240.8 m Closed All Year

    (790 ft.) west of Main Street.


    And the bass shop lady was off the mark too:


    Mississippi River - Drummond Twp., Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Mar. 1 - Fri. before 2nd Sat. in May.

    from 79.2 m (260 ft.) east of Main

    Street to Mississippi Lake.


    I've only been there once, but if I remember right there's some rapids right above a wildlife sanctuary on Mississippi Lake, the whole stretch of shore fishable river is off limits.

  5. I hate to break it to ya, but Salmon fishing isn't going to work out of a kayak, unless you are casting the piers, which will be soon...If you're still around here next spring I will take you out on Lake O.


    Heh, tell that to the guys in Michigan beating stinkpots in derbies!






    I've been dinging Kings out of canoes for almost 20yrs, in the new mussel cleaned water stealth is king baby (why do you think catches drop off in August nowadays?) Paddle craft can actually have an edge trolling the skinny water for staging Kings in 40-60FOW. If you're still around here next spring I'll take you out chasing brownies in the shallows, it's like stalking bonefish around Hamilton :D

  6. That would be quite the sight :P




    Has anybody mentioned not to clean fish by your camp site?

    And don't leave food in the car either. Just keep your site clean, wash off everything that had food on it and hang your food from a tree. I've been backcountry tripping for decades and outside of campgrounds & Algonquin I've had more problems with raccoons than bears.

  7. Pfluegers are like Shimano's, they're decent as long as you only catch little fish and don't stress them. I know a couple of guys that bought Supreme's for salmon & trout and they didn't last long before they loosened up. Drags are decent and they look purty, but they're built to a budget and longevity isn't the greatest.


    Braid is brutal on reels, especially heavy braid on big fish. Good tip to aid reel life is to keep the drag slightly loose for the hook set and winch down once a big'un is on.

  8. is this true? i looked through the regs and couldnt find anything saying "you have to be in a boat" or seomthing similar..


    It's a municipal by-law, not a Provincial regulation so you won't find it in the regs but if you do try to fish from shore you will get a trespassing ticket. Similiar to the No-Fishing After Aug 15 in Port Credit. It's a town council middle finger to the province after the long hard fight to get the sanctuary removed.


    It's of dubious legality, but the anti-fishing NIMBYism flows strong in Oakville nowadays.

  9. so would an LED light charge them or what?


    No, you need the UV of an incandescent or black light. LEDs don't emit much ultraviolet.

    Check out surplus & dollar stores for lights to check for counterfeit money. Cheap, small black light that's good for zapping spoons.

  10. Urban development going along with the gentrification of Bronte along with the seventeen golf courses sucking up all the free water they can take has really pooched what used to be my favourite ditch.


    You can still have good days in the harbour & estuary but fishing the river has gone downhill.

  11. I have tried most the foods mentioned, including a raw diet and have gone right back to the Eukanuba. They have the $$ (Proctor and Gambel owned) for the research that goes into making a quality dry food, both my pups have done well on it.


    Heh that's like saying the best cured pork comes from Oscar Meyer instead of the family Italian deli where everything is done in house because they are larger. Eukanuba is right up there with Science Diet and the rest of large scale "premium" foods when it comes to recalls because their cheap Chinese ingredients contained arsenic, mercury, malamime and is probably contaminated to some degree with salmonella.

    Sowry, I'll take the hand made soppresatta over macaroni & cheese loaf plz :D


    My two dogs are fed Performatrin and not only do they really like it but they have tight stools, especially the hound that has a sensitive stomach and can't have kitchen scraps because he's just a mess for days.

  12. 10 years ago somebody with a little more money than brains was using a (real) Loomis with a $250 Daiwa to floss Kings off a Lake O pier...and ended up having his rig pulled into the drink while he was grabbing another beer. Fast forward a few hours and I ended up dragging his rig out of the deep after he'd left. I've dragged ticking watches, children's Snoopy fishing rod with a 10lb bow still attached, women's underwear up when pier chucking but just in pure dollar value that one topped everything else combined.


    Score for me.


    The weirdest one though was definitely the zombie carp I caught out of Hamilton. Couldn't believe this thing was still alive let alone actively feeding through the hole in it's face.



  13. Are you bringing up a boat like a Sportspal or a canoe?


    Hardcore canoe version (to keep Solo from thinking you're slacking off) the Shumka Loop from Missanabie to......Missanabie. Take the train or a shuttle and canoe through a dozen lakes (with 27 questionable portages) to Little Missinaibi Lake, Missinaibi Lake back to Missanabie. Including the drive up and back in 11 days is doable but it would be a slog death march some days.


    Hardcore Lite version, grab the train at Foleyet to Elsas and paddle the Kapuskasing Lake & Nemegosenda River PP for a week, flag the train back to Foleyet.


    But yeah with 11 days including the drive up & back Chapleau would be a good start.

  14. The nice thing about fishing Port Credit out of a paddle boat is that you can head upriver and fish when it's too rough or busy to go out in the main lake, ofcourse you should make that call BEFORE you out and find it's too rough :D

    The whole mouth of the river is just a big sand shoal, any wind from the South and the waves just start piling up at the mouth making it very uncomfortable. Be careful, there's been lot's of bigger boats that have been surprised and swamped there, it's kinda dangerous.


    I've found salmon won't hold right by the mouth so if they've not moving in fishing during the day isn't the greatest, but they'll hold in the deeper holes above Lakeshore Rd. The best part is they can only really be fished out of a canoe (or kayak), bigger boats moving upriver just spook them. Hot'N'Tots will work (heh somebody has been hanging out on the Michigan site eh? :D ) but so will any wobbling plugs like a Taildancer (my fav) or at night glo spoons & rattling baits like a Cordell Spot.


    Careful, salmon out of a canoe (or kayak) can turn into a serious addiction that leads to pulled shoulders, all night fishing binges and strange looks at the boat ramp as you're going out and everybody else in "real" boats are coming in :D

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