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Everything posted by Nightsky

  1. Face was burning all day at work .. man that sun was nice .. for the 20-30mins it lasted
  2. I was talking with a guy at Sail the other day about making popper flies. He told me he's using epoxy glue to coat the popper head.
  3. well need some material to tie both hooks together, I could use 30lbs mono but ill be fishing pike mostly and that could snap off kinda easily
  4. love this one! Im gonna try to tie your zonker flies, but I will need the material first .. dont have any steel leader material yet.
  5. All 3 have weedguards made with 30lbs mono.
  6. There we go, found it I think
  7. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=7856 Wondering if this will work .. ill have to find a way to be able to post picture right in the post
  8. Trying to find a way to post the picture but this site isnt like most places it seems .. cant just attach something?
  9. Very nice flies indeed! I started to tie some as well .. done my first 3 flies (which are technically my first 3 flies ever too lol)
  10. Mike Rousseau is absolutely right, believe me, I have the iPhone Navionics app as well .. and you will hate when you have to check both your sonar and your phone at the same time to check depth and such .. I bought a new sonar as well, and I made sure to include a Navionics gold SD card with it. It will make your life sooooooooooo much easier. That being said, money is money, cant buy if you cant afford it for now =)
  11. I've been looking at flymart.ca. So far it seems the best for what I saw, and this post confirms it! I already got a starter kit for Xmas from cabelas.com ( http://www.cabelas.com/tools-vises-cabelas-deluxe-tool-kit-case-1.shtml ) which is probably not the best, but definitely not the worst, I like it so far. I dont want to start with complicated stuff, mostly make myself some weedless pike fly for the opening season early May. Caught a 8.9lbs last year on flyrod and definitely want to do that again this year, with the self-satisfaction of tying them myself =) Thanks for your help everyone!
  12. I'm starting to tie my own flies for the next season, got the basic equipment to do so but I have a question : Where is the best place (online if possible) to buy all the materials? I've seen a couple sites but wondering which one is best price/quality and shipping rate. Thanks a lot for the help!
  13. Wow thanks a lot Whiskywizard! noted everything! big big help, thx again! and Merc, yes we definitely have to go out when I come back .. was wayyy too hot for musky this summer, but the best is yet to come =)
  14. Thanks a lot! will definitely try it, cousin would loveeeeeeeeeee to catch some pikes!
  15. Hello everyone, I'm going on a family camping vacation for 1 week at Presqu'ile Provincial Park next Wednesday and I would love to bring my little cousins (aged ~8-15) catch a few fish. I don't know the area at all since I live in Montreal. I'm not looking for any secret spots but maybe a few pointers would help. Is there any nice boat ramp close? Any like perch spot around? Would like to catch bigger stuff with the older ones, but will be limited with the boat. I have a 16' Mirrocraft with 25hp motor, nothing big but usually does the job to go fishing, Lake Ontario is right there, but if we catch a few windy days, there is no way i'll be able to go out on it. Thanks for the tips! Ghislain Charpentier
  16. Fishing season 2012 is on!

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