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About iMetal

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  1. Well said Mark....thats what its all about ...get out and enjoy it...whatever course you may take. The water is there for all of us to enjoy. Be it doing 10 mph in my aluminum with my 9.9 hp or doing 74 mph in a Ranger of just cruising with the family on a pontoon boat catchin panfish. There is something for all. I just can't figure out why some people see tournament anglers as such bad people or as hurting the sport we all love???? Well I better stop now, someone may think I'm trying to sell something. LOL
  2. Fisherman, It has lots to do with giving some people the oppurtuinity to fish. Some may want the chance or oppurtunity to fish from a boat, learn techniques, which in turn may provide a better experience for their children and themselves. Its not to say a club is the be all & end all...its just another avenue...works for some, not everyone. Where would you learn more...form just reading a book or attending a class and prcticing what you just learned and being able to apply it. Fish for whatever reason makes you happy...enjoy it all...but do not critisize the means & methods of others, so long as their intentions are for the good of the sport. My lips and tongue are sore too ...can we put this to rest ???
  3. I think the best fishing will be in the next week..perfect temps, water conditions should be perfect. Opening day is just an excuse for a BBQ! LOL
  4. If it was one bait....and one bait only....I'd have to say the jig....might not get you 20 fish that day....but the best 5 for sure!!!!!
  5. Looks like everyone is havin' a blast!!!! Sausages made the day!!!!
  6. TJ, this CBC show "IS" a news show? If it is, I really don't see the problem. The news is reality, no matter how grusome & depressing it may be. Lets face it, the world around us is in shambles, although most who frequent chat zones like this try to avoid it, it will always be there. My suggestion, put on that top 40 radio station or throw in an educational CD if you want them to learn and not be traumatized by the reality of the world we live in. Its your responsability to watch what your children listen to...not the CBC. My two cents.
  7. Looks good Mark....fish don't have a chance now! Either they will be mezmorized by the new wrap or by your hand pourde SLAMMER baits!!!! Then ya throw in Adamo....maybe a repeat in the works!!!! Sweet job Todd...as always!!!
  8. Shad, Anyone can join. We are based out of Vaughan, near 400 HWY & Langstaff Rd. We meet the first Monday of every month upstairs at Desserts Plus 8611 Weston Rd. Our next meeting is March 5th @ 7:30 pm. You can conatct Frank Adamo @ 416 654 1022, Sandy Figliomeni @ 647 203 2974 or Chris Camilleri @ 416 526 7442. Feel free to call with any questions you may have! Look forward to hearing from you!!!! Regards, Chris
  9. SOunds good Frank...but if yer bringing the salt...remember the lemons as well.....and the Chianti! LOL
  10. Hey Sandy, Are ya gonna tell everyone what MEGA-CITY Bass Anglers has in store for next month? Don't forget to tell them about "CASH" MEGA-CITY is giving away!!!!!
  11. Can't wait to see Frank in his Chef hat cooking up a storm!!!! Should be a great day with a bunch of great guys!!!! C you there!!!
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