Hey express168!
MY son, two friends, and myself are headed up there in august, and staying at the south end as well. I've combed the
internet and found zilch about the lake other than what a couple of lodges posted. It truly is amazing how a lake that size has so
little writtten about it?!?! I have no problem finding forage- base data on-line for many of the other lakes of similar size, but Onaping "0"? I'm really starting to have doubts about where we picked to fish this year. Let's face it,,, fisherpeople like to talk (brag)! And when you only find a handful of posts about a lake that enormous..... it's scary! I like challenges, but not being able to gather any decent prefish data has me doubting the chances of success. I'm thinking I should have researched the lake more before shelling out the deposit????? D'OH!!!
Oh well, what's done is done... if I do come accross some
useable info... I'll be sure to pass it on to you!!
Good luck to you and the kids! I hope you get good weather, and have a great time!