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Everything posted by Doctrt

  1. I've also run it at mid and high throttle. Again, it seems to run fine at those positions. I did notice that I can't always save it from stalling by pumping the bulb anymore. Sometimes this does seem to flood it as it will stall immediately. And yes, I've run seafoam through it once.
  2. Brand new plugs. A bit black, but fouled? I don't know. You be the judge.
  3. Hey guys. Boats been in and worked on with no luck thus far. Turned out the plugs were wrong and the mechanic felt I should reconnect the oil injection and run straight gas. He 'cleaned out the fuel system' whatever that means, but to no avail. It continued to stall when idling slowly. After waiting a few days with it in their possession with no work having been done, and no work to be done on it over the weekend, I decided to at least bring it home and have it in the garage over the weekend. So I decided to monkey around with it. I think I may have cracked the code. You guys let me know what you think. It's clearly (to me) that it is a vacuum issue. Fuel is being lost somewhere. I popped the cover off and happened to be pumping the bulb when I noticed gas dribbling/spraying out of the carburator. It could be that thus far, when I was looking at it the motor was fairly level, and not trimmed like I had it today, so I didn't notice this before. I don't think is is normal and my suspicion is that I have either faulty check valves or a float in the carburator that is stuck open. Does this seem likely?
  4. I've been considering this. I don't however want to troll any faster. Not sure how this will affect my speed. I may need to put on a trolling plate. This still doesn't explain why I'm losing prime at the ball. Exactly. No change. I would like to take it to someone trustworthy. Anyone in the Durham region? I use an inline filter. I've changed that already thinking that it may have become varnished over. No change. I only use Shell's V-power, ethanol free. Can't say what was used before so phase separation and its effects is a definite possibility. Thanks for all the great advice. I do think a carb rebuild or at least a good cleaning will do the trick. I'm sure we'll get there eventually and I'll give an update when I do. T
  5. Thanks for the response. I'm not exactly understanding the beginning however. I had said that anything above the slightest idle seems fine although the boats speed does gradually slow down at a fast idle. No stalling. I don't find this at full throttle. Everything seems fine, in fact it hums. I do think that ultimately the carb will need to be cleaned and or rebuilt but would debris or varnishing not affect the top end of throttle, as it seems unchanged? Furthermore, would is affect the bulbs ability to stay hard? Would you happen to know anyone in the Whitby area that could do this type of work? Thanks so much for the great responses. T
  6. We did run a remote tank with working primer bulb and lines with no change so I think we've ruled out anything in front of the carb.
  7. I've been having trouble with my 2000 90hp Johnson outboard. When I bought it, it would barely start, and seemed to not be getting enough fuel. A remote tank proved unsuccessful, so a new fuel pump was put in. This solved about 50% of my issues as it would start and run moderately well although it would stall at any speed after a while. We replaced every tube/line up to the fuel filter and including the fuel filter with no success. It was then that I realized that he was running 50:1 fuel, thinking that the oil injection on the motor wasn't working. Turns out, with all the starting and running that we had done, the oil in the tank was dropping, so it must have been working, resulting in a fuel mixture that was far too rich. I plugged the oil tank and continued to run 50:1 to ensure a proper mix. I then ran sea foam and other cleaners through the motor including a evinrude specific carb cleaner to clean up any excess gunk. Now I've got it running at about 90%. It jumps off the start and really flies (about 70km/hr) at top speed. The only problem that persists is that it stalls at a low idle after about 5-10 minutes. I can usually save it by pumping the ball once or twice, but it is always flat. In fact, before it stalls, I can usually hear what I believe to be the fuel pump ticking as it searches for fuel. I'm at a loss now and searching for answers. Any suggestions? Thanks a mil. Tim
  8. We were in Cancun. Always worth a shot a the big water. Just a little advice, I always tip BEFORE and after the trip.
  9. Some more pics from the day:
  10. So I've had some great successes in my life. I own a great business, have a loving wife and two great kids. I recently caught and released a whitefish that more than likely would have taken the world record...But could anyone be so fortunate to have it happen again? In another country thousands of miles away? I don't know...but it may have. While on a Deep sea charter today, I landed a very large Jack fish, measuring 39"x 23". Weight calculations put it between 25 and 30 lbs. The real question is, what kind of Jack. That's where I need help. It was either a very large, but not unheard of Jack Crevalle (wr-either 58lbs or 66lbs) or a probable record Horse-eye Jack (wr-24.5 lbs). To be honest, I'm not sure but I'm actually leaning towards the latter, specifically due to the size or the eye. It was easily the size if an eight ball. I've been told both names by disputing locals. It's a moot point at the end of the day, as I was given the rod by the deckhand, and as I understand it, only one angler may come into contact with the rod for the fish to qualify as a record. Nonetheless, it tasted great! Any opinions? Did I eat a record fish? BTW, we also landed 2, 20lb tuna, one 6 foot Sail and broke off another big Sail. Not bad considering we were 5 minutes from heading in without catching a single fish. Just goes to show you, fish until the wife wants you home, and then fish a little longer! So I consider myself very fortunate...but is this too much to ask? T
  11. Either way. Probably offshore as that's what I'm used to. I'd like to get a sail! I've caught tons of Dorado and a few wahoo but no sails.
  12. Hey guys. I'm heading to Cancun tomorrow for a week. I'm familiar with shore fishing in the Caribbean but I've never been to Cancun before. I'll be staying at the Great Parnassus, mostly pier or shore fishing. Is it the same as everywhere else? Black and silver body baits, shrimp and calamari from the restaurants under a float? I hope to target something bigger than bait. I'll also do one day on a charter. Does anyone have any specific recommendations? In the past, this forum has been a great reference. Thanks in advance. T
  13. Wow. Epic post. Thanks!
  14. Pretty please!
  15. This is where things usually go south but here it is. No the scale is not certified, but it is accurate, and yes it is photoshopped...to hide the shoreline
  16. Oh I weighed it...and like I said, I probably should have kept it. Lets just say it was very, very, very big. Just couldn't bring myself to kill her.
  17. Another one from yesterday. Just a 'little' guy at 12, 13
  18. Better?
  19. Wow. Pic must be bad cause you're not even close!
  20. No, not Simcoe. And as far as how big she was, lets just say I probably should have kept her
  21. Oh well, the cat's out of the bag. This is usually where things go south but here it is...and no, it is not a certified scale, but it is accurate, and yes, it has been photoshopped, to hide the shoreline
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