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blineboy 1970

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About blineboy 1970

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    Lasalle Ontario

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hey fishingnut A bunch of us are also heading up for the weekend. Which outfitter are you staying with and in which area. We are staying with South Shore ice condos. Maybe we can meet up for a cool refreshing beverage.We will be up there sometime Friday.
  2. Hey everyone looking to find a lodge to do some large pike fishing next fall. I guess anywhere pretty much in Ontario would be great. There are 8 of us in our group so if anybody has a good spot they would like to share we would appreciate the help. Thanks to all in advance.
  3. Anybody have a name of a good place to do some LARGE PIKE fishing near the Quebec border that is not a ridiculous price??? We are looking to book a place for 8 guys next September.The more species the better but we really enjoy pike fishing.
  4. There is a group of us heading up to Nipissing this weekend.Anyone else heading up there??Need some advise on what is hot up in that area right now. (we all now it is not the weather) Anyone use two way radios up there, if so what channel?Using South Shore Ice condos any comments about them?
  5. Welcome aboard I guess I can call you neighbor considering I am just a stones throw away here in Lasalle.
  6. I guess the old saying "what a beautiful country" would just about sum that up for me if all those goodies were in my mailbox.
  7. A group of us are headed up to nipissing on thursday for the weekend , wondering if it would be worth it to invest in some worms or not.Anybody use worms this time of year in that area.We have some available in this area wondering if I should bother ???Any advise??
  8. Thanks Gerritt now I can spend some hard earned money in a good place.Thanks again !! :thumbsup_anim:
  9. I am fairly new to this site and have noticed a few pics and stuff with people wearing or having OFC stuff.Is this stuff available to all members or how do I go about finding out what is available and how do I get my hands on some???http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/style_e...fault/blink.gif
  10. Thanks alot !! By the sounds of some of these reports we are going to need all the luck we can handle.Don't here to many positive reports off of nipissing right now.
  11. Here is a start not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but I believe it should help.Check out the different areas on this site and it should help you. http://cartes.rncan.gc.ca/site_e.php
  12. GOT IT thanks alot Rich.I will keep in mind about a report with pictures there is a group of us heading up to nipissing next Friday hopefully it will be a successful trip and will have a good report after our return with some good pics also.Thanks again !!
  13. Hey maybe you can or somebody can help me out.How do I get a picture in the area below my name ? I can't seem to figure it out or maybe I missed it during registration?
  14. Hello everyone !! Not really new to site, been watching for weeks.New as a member.Joined to enjoy interesting topics and of course the replies and info.There seems to be alot of knowledge out there on many topics which is great.Looking forward to finally join in on the topics.
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