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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. 1 hour ago, DanD said:

    I have my guys wearing gloves as soon as they walk into the shop. I ask them to change gloves when they go to a different vehicle, come into the front office or waiting room. When the vehicle's servicing is done and parked outside for the customer; I then have them wipe down the inside of the vehicle with disinfectant cloths, of anything and everything that they may have touched. We then put a sticky note on the steering wheel explaining the bleach smell.

    I'm thinking of closing the shop for the duration. Not just because its been recommended; but it's costing me big time to stay open. People have a lot on their minds; servicing their vehicles isn't one of them. We've mostly been getting breakdowns; where the customer has to bring their car in. I know there's more important things then money; but me at 60 year old, if I loose this shop; I'd be screwed. 


    I can relate to what you're saying. Noticed coming back from fishing Wednesday that I was over milage on my oil change. Phoned Thursday to see when  I could get it done and have my winter and summer  tires swapped  while I was there. They said I could come right away if I wanted to????   Pretty much all the staff just standing around talking when I walked in the door. The guy who did my paperwork said that it had been dead for over a week  and Wednesday when I was there was there busiest day, but it was only about 20% of what they would do in a normal day.  On the way home I was thinking the dealership was paying a lot of $$$$ to have 80% of there staff show up to work and do nothing.  Best of luck getting through this Dan. Employers having to make these kinds of tough decisions on top of everything else, it must be tough.

  2. 1 hour ago, Headhunter said:


    -if you have pets, be sure to pick up 2 months worth of food as soon as you can. It's likely that they will close those stores, sooner than later.



    Good point HH. And besides if we run out of people food people with pets will be able to make some serious cash. Anybody ever tried dog or cat🤪

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Crimsongulf said:



    I still can't wrap around hoarding TP.



    It was explained to me that many feel our TP is imported from China so we will stop getting it because of sanctions.  I have always been one of those freaks who buys a ton of it when it is on sale and I just happened to stock up about a month ago. Same with wine. Our fav Australian red was on sale last month at the LCBO and  I stocked up about an 8 month supply.  So we have enough TP and wine to get us through this gong show😃

  4. Looks gnarly. Pike fishing from shore when we where kids. My buddy and I and his younger brother.  Gabbing and not paying attention my buddies brother went behind us to get something out of his tackle box just as I was casting and a buried a treble hook from my rapala in the back of his skull.  No crying or carrying on as these brothers where farmers. We just jumped on our bikes and pedalled to the Fergus hospital about a mile away. I can still see my fluorescent orange rapala swinging off the back of his head as we travelled along. Got to the hospital and they shaved a good sized patch on his head bald so they could remove the hook. Within an hour we where fishing again. This was 40+ years ago I assume Neils parents where contacted but no parents came to the hospital while this was going on.  I can't imagine it would be handled the same way today.

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    • Haha 1
  5. I'll never say never but I don't see a 20 incher  happening. Been a hardcore 3 season percher on Simcoe since the mid 80's and I have had many many  days where I have gotten many over 14 inches the same day,  happened this past Monday as a matter of fact. However I have still never caught a 15 incher.  People are talking about the perch sizes getting bigger but I have not seen this yet. People had a theory that perch would start getting bigger when the gobies invasion started...that's been about 20 years now has  it not?  I'd love to see 15+ inchers happening more regularly but from my experiences I'm not holding my breath waiting for it.

  6. I already make $$$ while fishing Craig. A shore spot I fish in Bobcaygeon has the usual amount of garbage left by those too lazy to pick up after themselves. Last summer I started taking a shopping bag and cleaning up while I was there.  Lots of beer and cooler cans some weekends. Saved all the empties $$$ in a jar. Had over $30 by winter, enough for 3 bottles of the wine we enjoy.  I'm not getting rich but I'm having fun with it.

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, GBW said:

    It's scary how often I speak of Jen to this day.  She was and still IS a HERO to many!  

    I was thinking the same. Everyone who knows me has heard me speak of Jen more then once.  Sorry your time with her was cut short but you had a special young lady there Wayne. Cherish all the good memories cause I'm sure there is many.

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  8. Perch fishing the Talbot river. It used to be a regular occurrence for a mink to come up to you and check out what you where throwing in the white bucket. We feed the critters and birds at the cottage but this winter we had a first. Looked out to see if I needed to top up our treats on the porch and right outside the window was a fox eating peanuts, shell and all. We fish a marina on Simcoe in the spring and fall for perch and crappies. Lotsa friendly geese and ducks around so I'm sure the boaters feed them throughout there summer season. One time in the fall, some ducks swam over to my boat while we where taking a break and eating our lunch. One duck beside the boat jumped up out of the water and sat on the middle bench and just stared at us until my buddy gave him a chunk of bread from his sandwich. He ate it and asked for more, so he got some of my sandwich too before he jumped back in the water with his jealous friends. However my favourite is feeding a Blue Heron and a Osprey while I'm bluegill shore fishing at the cottage.  The osprey will sit in a tree behind me and if I get a small gill I step on it to kill it and then throw it way up in the air. By the end of the summer it will have the routine down and will be flying before I throw the fish so it grabs it in the air before it lands in the water. Same with the Heron.Kill a small gill or perch and throw it to him on shore. I think the same Heron comes to me every summer because he is very territorial and loudly and aggressively chases away any of the other 2-4 Herons that are watching us. As the summer wears on the Heron gets tamer as well. Some years by the fall as soon as I show up at my shore spot he will just fly over and stand right beside me waiting for his free breakfast.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    Thanks, we bought them online months ago. Just now I fire up the BBQ and hardly any pressure on the burners. I can't win for loosing. The regulator may be toast. I haven't used it for months. Too windy. 

    OI I had that issue a few years back with my BBQ. Some trouble shooting stuff I found somewhere told me to clean out the pin hole on the regulator. Could be clogged with crap or even ice...which I think was my case because it happened in the winter. Brought the BBQ in the house....let it thaw out and cleaned the pinhole and it worked like a charm. I was also told to make sure that when I shut off and turn on the tank crank it slow. Apparently if you do it too fast you can cause a pressure lock and the propane will not flow properly. Good luck.

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  10. On 12/24/2019 at 6:48 PM, captpierre said:

    Tried the Prime rib thing. Spent over $100 for the whole rib for our Easter gathering.  From Metro on sale.  I’m a butcher’s son and know how to cook meat. 

    Was so looking forward to it. 

    Then after the first bite of a medium rare piece, it was obvious the rib was tough. 

    Ruined everything. 

    Did it again last year and cut it up into rib steaks. My favourite. Same thing. 

    Took us 7 months to grind through tough steaks. Not to serve to company. 

    In future, I’ll ask the butcher to cut me off one steak, take it home and cook it up before I buy the whole rib. Lesson learned  

    I’ve been making more pork.  Back ribs and tenderloin.  Reliably good and way cheaper  

    Trying to eat less meat.   Looks like even non red meat isn’t so good  for you.  Especially cured meat. 

    Have a great Christmas meal however you go. 

    I only buy prime rib when it is on sale. And here in Oshawa the Real Canadian Superstore  on Tauton Rd. consistently has the best meat for this and I have never got a tough prime rib from them as long as it is AAA rated beef. If it's only AA rated you are taking your chances. Last week it was $4.99/LB and I stocked up. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Sinker said:

    I can understand that reasoning, but Why change it now? What if it rains or snows on the last friday? Do we change it to the next day with a nice forecast? 

    How about we leave it as it has been for hundreds of years, and deal with the weather as it comes. 




    Like I said Shayne I could care less and our discussion the other night had nothing to do with changing dates because of the weather which just opens a whole can of worms I don't care about either. It was all about making it a Friday or Saturday night so the vast majority could have a nice evening out....or in... and not worry about work or school the next day.  The kids don't care at all as long as they get there sugar fix...lol.

    • Like 1
  12. Big family chat about this last night because of the news about Montreals plans.   The winning choice in our group comprised of grandparents and parents was more about when then weather. Our group would all like Halloween to be relegated to a Friday or Saturday night so everyone has the next day off rather then worrying about babysitting  or having to work in the morning. Make it like fishing seasons. Example bass opens last Friday in June around here. Make trick or treat night the last saturday in October. Easy Peasy.


    Edit to add. I'm retired and could care less. Just thinking it would be good for families dealing with daycare and 2 working parents. Something us older generations never ever had to give any thought too.

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  13. On 10/25/2019 at 3:40 PM, misfish said:

    Yes, those are the ones. I,ll be adding screws to them that I have for my wader boots for traction.

    Brian I had been putting  hex head screws in my last pair of winter ice fishing boots for all the years I owned them. Got a pair of baffins last year and the screws just will not stay in them. The rubber is to soft and they work them selves out. I was losing 3-8 screws every time I went out. I think these Nats will have the same problem which is another reason I took a pass on the amigo boots last winter. I think you will end up having to get a good pair of slip on cleats like I did.


  14. Never voted and I don't think I ever will. To each their own. I have always believed that taking  responsibility for your own life and your families will always outweigh whatever any political person or party will do for me. So far it has worked out just fine doing it our own way. I don't follow politics at all and know none of the issues. Perhaps ignorance is bliss...I don't know.  And yes I also believe that if you don't vote you have no right to whine and complain about anything the government has on there agenda or anything they implement...so I never do. Good luck to whoever gets in and I truly hope they make things better. But I'm sure as hell not holding my breath✌️

  15. 13 hours ago, Fisherman said:

    And there's no way you're making gravy out of veggies.

    I am not a vegan and never will be,  but if you have not tried mushroom gravy you haven't lived yet. And the best thing about it is if you just feel like gravy on some mashed potatoes you don't have to cook a whole  beef roast or a chicken or turkey to get a good gravy to pour on things.

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  16. 1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

    Live update from the kawarthas

    the bass are not on beds and the fishing is tough. Bites are around but you gotta work for them, they sure as hell aren’t up shallow enough to see.

    Funny...a spot I fish on Sturgeon for crappie/ gills has 3 bass nests with fish on them I can see from where I'm standing on shore. Been on these bed for just about a week...in about 2 FOW.

  17. Coldest wettest spring by far since I started keeping my vegetable garden journals in 1984 when we got our 1st house and I had a garden of my own. This weather sucks for the summer crops in my garden. However the upside is the spring crappie and bluegill hunting is extended?

  18. Didn't know prices had got that crazy. Did a Egan marine small house boat weekly rental 2nd week in June 92. Good off season rate, can't remember prices but it was't ridiculous.. That is how we discovered Bobcaygeon and ended up buying a cottage there. Sometimes you spend silly money and it actually works out?

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