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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. On a Bobcaygeon page last week someone posted pictures of a snapping turtle in what looked like some open water beside some current. I don't know if it was legit or not. Also last week me and a buddy fished chemong. A skating rink locals make on the lake every year there had a bunch of people playing hockey. It was 10 celsius that day and when  we got closer to them we realized they where playing shirts and skins because one team had all the boys playing bare chested. Never seen that on an outdoor rink before in the middle of the winter.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Beans said:

    Don't forget the fresh garlic and green onion and I like a few drops of sesame oil at the end of cooking !

    Never forget the fresh garlic, I have tons every year from my garden. But I have dropped the green onion and sesame oil. Still can't thank you enough for this recipe. Debbe who  still is NOT a fish lover is happy every time I make it and there is NEVER any leftovers.

    My apologies captpierre...hijacking your thread was never my intention.

  3. Maybe 10 years ago I got a cheap Kitchen Aid knife  from Canadian Tire to use for chopping at the cottage. Then with advice from Roy who used to run this board I got a 600/1000 grit sharpening whetstone. Took me maybe three tries on the whetstone to get things dialled in, but now my knife is always razor sharp. When it does start to lose its edge it takes me less then 10 minutes to get it back to perfect.  I do this maybe once a month, sometimes more often if the knife is getting a lot of use. Now having said all that I told my brother in law about it and offered to sharpen his knives for him. I don't recall the brand of his knives but he told me they where very expensive. I did get his knives a little sharper but I just could not get them as sharp as my knives at home.   The difference in steel from my limited experience does make a difference in how well the whetstone will sharpen up the knives, but I am 100% happy with my results on my cheapo knives. So much so that I bought the exact Kitchen Aid knife for here at home because the whetstone was not doing a perfect job on my Henkel knife set I have here. The Henkels never get out of the cupboard anymore.

  4. Hear you  Cliff. Happy with both our Santa Fe's in the snow. Previous to the Santa Fe's we had a 2008 Hyundai Accent. It was Debs back and forth to work car. Hardly  ever got on the highway. She complained once in awhile how terrible it was in icy conditions but it was an in town only car that rarely travelled more then 10-15KM a day so we lived with it. Once we got the 2013 Santa Fe she loved sitting in a higher vehicle and the better/safer  driving it gave us. And we swore we would never get another smaller car. Having said all that the Accent served us well and was reliable for how we used it, which is why we stuck with Hyundai.

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  5. On 1/17/2023 at 6:30 PM, Beans said:

    Cliff and Steve:  Make sure you get them undercoated My 2009 Santa Fe (used) rusted out so badly Hyundai wouldn't put it on the hoist last March to do the work on a recall issue...

    2017 Nissan Rouge Platinum running nicely...

    Would still get a Hyundai SUV but never a sedan...Like sitting on the road...LOL

    Our 2 Santa Fe's are 2013 and 2014. Took them to Krown for rusting proofing every year accept this year. Stopped this year because we plan on getting rid of both., just because I have always had a 10 year and get new policy. And Beansie I definitely agree about the sedans with regards to the Accent anyway. That thing was absolutely terrible to drive on snowy roads. Never again.


  6. The other nice thing about growing your own potatoes or any garden veggie is that you can choose varieties you prefer the taste of better. Most store bought veggies are varieties that are the most productive, or varieties that store or ship well, or have better disease resistance. Best tasting never really enters into the picture for  farmers getting paid by the pound. BTW JoePa what potato varieties do you grow? My 2 favourites are Red Cheiftain and Yukon Gold.

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