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About dobber1978

  • Birthday 06/15/1978

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  • Location
    Sudbury, Ontario
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Dirtbikes, yada yada yada

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Looking at a new gun and had my eye on this one, Heard mixed reviews and was wondering if anyone has tried one
  2. Places to buy GPS, Seems these are some of the better prices I have found, have not used either but have heard great things, http://www.radioworld.ca/ http://www.gpscentral.ca/ Good luck on your purchase I have a Garmin Ledgend, year old now, lower of the line model, my biggest problem is that it does not have any extended memory, only the 8mb internal and I don't find this is enough, couple downloaded maps and it fills up real quick
  3. yeah, Ok, got a couple keys, screwdriver, cup, code, marbles, cane, can't figure out the animal code, have green border on my cats, blue butterfly, pink rabbit, ????
  4. Whats with the flower picture on the wall
  5. Are these real?? I have never caught anything even close to this size
  6. Has anyone fished here?? I have been out here twice with a buddy of mine who said it was good fishing, of the two times we managed to pull out one small pike, my buddy keeps saying it will get better as it warms up, guess I will find out. Any reviews of this spot?? Any other spots around sudbury that are good ice fishing, might try out towards the island a little more,
  7. Ha Ha Ha, that's great
  8. NExt time I go out it will be for ling, lol, I have never caught one, hear that they are kind of nasty looking but great eating, See what happens,
  9. I can't afford them, just wonding if anyone has ever used and what their thoughts were, looks like an interesting system, spinning with no bail,
  10. Thanks guys, quite the responce, Sounds like it's really something I just have to try out, not sure if I should spool my good rod with the braid or spool it on my old rod, hmmm, maybe it's time for a new rod and reel, lets see what the tax man brings me. Now what is the floro carbon?? is this better then mono, advantages, dis-advantages to it?? Again never used this stuff.
  11. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on braided fishing lines? And perfered brand, Spiderwire, Stren, Berkley??? Anything else out there? I have always used mono line just because it's cheaper and what I was use too. Thanks for your thoughts, Jeff
  12. Could always heat trace it http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true
  13. Heading out ice fishing for the first time of the season, well first time in a long time, Looking for a little advice, I want to purchse a couple rod/reel combos for ice fishing and want to know which ones are best, I have been looking on the canadian tire website and they have a few different kinds. The first is an open bail style, basicall looks like a mini fishing rod, the other is more like a bait caster style that mostly looks like plastic construction. I have only really used a spool of line and tip up before so I am trying to upgrade, For lures, as I don't know if we will be able to find live bait, what is good for Pike, Pickeral, and lake trout, any suggestions??? Thanks all Jeff
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