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Everything posted by MANNY

  1. GIT 'R' DONE......
  2. I have a buddy who works at the Ford assembly plant in oakville ,and I can only feel for the guy cause his job hangs in the balance yet again,but this time he might lose it for good.On that note ,as long as north american car builders continue to build and sell overpriced crap,it looks like its going to continue to be the trend.I also like to add that I have a family member who works for a dealership "GMC" who come mid march will be out of a job due to a nose dive in sales and leasing....... Just bad news all around........ Just my 2 cents......
  3. LED ZEPPLIN......Stairway to heaven LIVE From the SONG REMAINS THE SAME Live in New York city.....
  4. No worries scotty...Im sure them chromies will be flying out of them holes soon enough....
  5. Thanks scotty........Yep guess 1'' aint time for ol' betsy to come out......
  6. Anyone here know if tribs east of toronto are frozen over........If you don't prefer to post here send P.M......Thanks...
  7. Sorry about the avatar.Hope this one is more pleasing to the eye....lol...
  8. LAST WEEKEND........
  9. GLAD TO BE HERE.........ENJOY.....
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