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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. Well, with dogs yes you can use them, but dogs have been used in hunting for years. I think its the whole technological aspect of it. Like in fishing where some tournaments have restrictions on underwater cameras, anchoring etc... Being a hunter I have no issues against them banning drones for hunting use nor do I have an issue with them banning people from using planes and helicopters for scouting and hunting. Seems a bit too much and takes away a lot of the adventure aspect of it.

  2. It is not legal in BC as well. Using a drone or even flying within the last 36 hours is illegal in BC. It makes a lot of sense out there with the mountains and remote areas. Scouting for sheep and goats etc.. As well in Mulie territory way up high it is a huge advantage but was seen as a no no some time ago there. Its not a surprise that using on here would also be illegal. I haven't looked to confirm but it wouldn't surprise me.

  3. If you have never been a non pot smoker living with a daily one saying that it doesn't destroy lives and families has no merit. Any mind altering substance can have a negative impact on those around you. Where do I think they should sell it? I don't think they should. They should expand the ability to legalize medical use and make it easier for that but to allow any mind altering drug to be sold legally is a bad idea. I am not against people using it. Most everyone I know does and I don't particularly care one way or another.

  4. Well after an awesome year and a half in BC I am moving back to Ontario. Just got off the phone with the MNR and my fishing and small game licenses are still valid. If anyone between the Manitoba border wants to go fishing today or tomorrow drop me a text six oh four six five two two eight two five. Will have lots of pictures and stories to share when I get settled in but I did manage a mule deer and several weeks of hunting while in BC. Was awesome. Anyway I am not sure what the cell service is like but if you want to go drop me a text message and we can hook up and get some lines wet. Go leafs go!

  5. Anyone know where to start with a furnace not coming on? Tried new batteries in the honey thermostat. The pilot is lit, fuse is on. Tried new batteries, switching thermostat to manual fan on, resetting breaker, turning off the pilot waiting for 5 minutes then turning pilot back on. The fan won't come on nor will the gas ignite.

  6. There is a harbor in Toronto these and a number of other amazing ducks can be found. If you are in or near Toronto in the west end its worth a walk. Humber Bay. If you walk the lakefront trail that goes along the northern inside edge of the bay I used to see them there every day.

  7. Was out for a drive and found a set of trees with over 150 eagles roosting.... Here are some of the shots I took. The best part is this was a 10 minutes drive from my house. Pretty amazing to see. I wish it wasn't so overcast though for the pictures.


























  8. How many are you looking for? I get them free here but I am in BC. We have a warehouse in woodbridge that would also likely have HT pallets for free. We use them a few times and when a piece cracks we have to pay to dispose of them. I use the for kindling and building some outdoor type stuff.

  9. Winner :clapping:


    Now now don't be too hard on Matt. Having had moved from Toronto to Vancouver I can attest to how hard it is to keep solid with your team. I mean all that's on the radio here is Canucks talk. I find myself becoming a fan of the Canucks and now hating the Leafs.........




  10. If the leafs lose tonight Montreal wins and Ottawa wins, the leafs will miss the playoffs. Every team goes through a period of poor play. The leafs have talent. They are still pretty young with some prospects and two good goalies. They have some obvious weak spots that have never been filled...(Top line center) This like a goalie is a crucial piece for a cup contender. Until they fill up the crucial roles they will not be considered a cup contender and they will need to be satisfied with a play off contender. That's just the way the game is.

  11. I found it funny to read this..


    Please DO NOt aVOiD hunting animals with ear tags or collars, unless specified under regional sections in the synopsis. this will ensure that biologists acquire accurate data on mortality rates. if you kill a marked animal, please contact your local Ministry office with the number on the ear tag or collar because the meat may not be safe to eat if immobilization drugs were used. ear tags and collars must be returned to the Ministry office.


    I mean so what they are saying is that if I see a deer that's been tagged, I should shoot it, use my tag, dress it, haul it out of the bush as most of the hunting area is out of cell range... then report it, wait for them to get back to me to tell me I can't eat it? Well. I will certainly be sure to not avoid hunting tagged animals. not

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