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Everything posted by puncho

  1. Great story for a while I felt like I was with your guys on the ice even if you live quite far from my residence thanks for sharing.
  2. Wow nice pikes congrats
  3. Wow these perchs are huge congrats ! I guess you do not have parasite problems in your area.
  4. We tried but he was already 1 year & a half old & came with his bad habits too, what may not have helped I guess is t we where act that we were not at home enough too, me & my wife had dogs before too & never had that problem before, it was like 2 months we had it when we made the decision we could not keep him, now we have a cat & she is litter trained.
  5. We had one similar about 6 months ago but had to returned to the SPCA because he was not clean at all & destroyed numerous items in the house his name was Gamik : I must admit I was a bit sad of the outcome.
  6. Thanks I have just started a new topic & my first post.

  7. Hello I am originaly from Orleans Ontario, I lived most of my childhood in Cumberland Ontario about 250 feet from the shore of the Ottawa River, now I live in Gatineau Quebec. I have also worked in Terrace Bay Ontario in 1981, I was in Pembroke for studies in 1983-1984 & loved the Algonquin Park hoping to go back there this summer with my son. I have a 14 foot aluminium boat & a 20 hp motor, a project fiberglass boat of 13.5 ft no motor tought I gave it to my uncle. I am also a deer hunter. I am in numerous fishing & hunting forums, so do not be surprised if you do not see me often on this forum.
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