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Posts posted by blaque

  1. i try not to pay attention to the immediate penny fluctuations. 3 cents a gallon if i were to fill up a 25 gallon tank is 75 cents difference for a $100 fill up (its 4 bucks a gallon down here). Hard to justify obsessing about that when i pull away from the pump to head to the tackle shop and spend $8 bucks on an X-Rap :)

  2. Some very good, sound advice guys, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

    He has been limping a bit in his right front shoulder but the vet(who he sees regularly) says he's in really good shape for his age.

    I'm going to alter his feeding, as suggested in here, and will give extra caution for the foreseeable future.

    He deserves to be understood and given credit for being an amazing dog for the past 10 years.

    Plus, this route will hopefully get ME out of the doghouse, no pun intended!


    Glad to hear you'll give things some time musky.


    And to Mike.....holy crap. Saying that's a stressful situation is the understatement of the year. Hope that all settles down for ya

  3. The answer for me is......you don't put your family member down because of an isolated bite. If the dog snapped and didn't release from a bite and you had to pull him off I could see being much more concerned. But from the sounds of this incident.....not even close to bein justified to put him down. It's up to you to manage him though and keep an eye on him as dr. Sal mentioned. He may have something going on that has him on edge.

  4. will probably be down to the lower niagara soon for a couple dips :)


    It is a strange site indeed going down there at midnight and seeing everyone wading in the lower niagara workin their dip nets, fires going, fry cooks on the shore cooking them as they come out of the river. A good ole' smelt jamboree goin on down there at all hours of the morning. Strange experience indeed lol

  5. They are pike dead bait in Europe!



    Ya, they seem ideal under a big ole' drennan piker float. This guy however, and its hard to tell, was a good handful in size. Actually most of them were. Maybe a bit big for bait, although, bigger the bait...bigger the fish

  6. There's a reason I hang on to my 20 year old Fisher. ;)

    When I bought it in 1991 it cost me $20K back then!!!!

    Replacement today would be twice that!!!

    2013 I plan to repower the old girl. Out with the 22 year old 2 stoke 90hp and in with a 2013 4 stroke 115hp and a new 9.9 kicker!!! :clapping: :clapping:


    Its still hard to believe 1991 was 20 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!! lol


    Your math also puts a little spark under me to think more along the lines of,...."go get a boat now as the longer i wait the more pooched im gonna be".

  7. Can't wrap my head around the cost of boats.....


    Youve taken the words RIGHT out of my mouth.......Ive been kickin the idea of a new boat around for a long while, and just cant justify it.


    The old saying "whatever the market will bear" seems to shine in the case of fishing boats.



    I was in New Jersey with my Boss and they stuck out like a sore thumb when we stepped out of the bar. He wasnt very thrown by the sight, and didnt pay it much attention. I was befuddled at what i was looking at and thank you for the explanation.

  9. I had a similar issue on my old Bronco.

    It turned out to be a rear diff issue.

    Luckily it was covered under the powertrain warranty as the cost was just over $1k and that was 20 years ago.


    I just ate my lunch drifter, and your trying to make me lose it already? :mellow:

  10. Blaque, that 'rumble' could be the same issue that I'm talking about. The guys on that forum describe it as a vibration. It seems to affect only those with a 2 piece driveshaft, which is only found on the longer box models. Is that what you have? Some said that it could be a driveshaft balancing issue but Ford, it looks like, has yet to get a handle on the problem.


    No, i have the 5.5 box. So its not a split shaft. We shall see

  11. This is good info as i am on my third F-150 and plan on a fourth when im done with this one. WIll have to look into this issue as well.


    I currently have the 2010 Supercrew (same exact truck as lew and irish if i remember right from past ford threads)


    I couldnt agree more with irish's comment about the traction control, cant stand it. Im a guy who knows how to drive in the snow and would rather control the truck instead of the truck controlling me. Its actually more dangerous if you ask me to have it on.


    Ill also comment that i do have an issue currently when i accelerate from a stop while turning (left or right). I get a rumble sound the first few seconds of accleration almost as if 4WD is stuck or something. Have to take it in soon to see what thats all about. Not to hi-jack, but if any ford owners have experienced this......feel free to comment

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