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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. I can't believe it's come and gone, what a short hard water season this year.


    Saturday I managed to get out with my Dad for one last go. Picked him up and we were heading across the lake by 7:30 am. Got to our spot, got set up and started marking lots of fish. I had a bump in the first few minutes and thought it was going to be a banner day! Well that wasn't the case at all. Fished the spot for about 3 hours, marking lots of fish, even had them coming up to the bait but no takers, just a couple more bumps for each of us.

    We decided to move on and as I'm reeling in.....FISH ON!! After an excellent fight I pulled up this laker.




    Not sure what gave this fish so much energy but what a blast! Now how can you leave a spot after that, probably should have as we had nothing for the next hour. :rolleyes: During this time I'm sure I saw Joey go by with Ladywalleye on the back of the sled but I could be wrong. Packed up and moved to spot 2 and had a couple more bumps, lost one about half way up and moved to spot 3. Couple more bumps and that was it. Great day to be out with the old man it's too bad he didn't get one. Well not really, I think it was my turn to out fish him for the hard water season. :P We'll be back at in May when the season opens again.

  2. Thanks for the tips everyone. I had asked about extending the coverage last year and the reply was that the boat must be dry docked during that time. I'll ask again before I look at jumping ship. :rolleyes: I will all contact those other companies mentioned and see what the rates are like when compared to what I have now. Thanks again!

  3. My present policy is coming up for renewal and I'm looking to find some company that will allow 12 months usage. Right now I have to be "dry docked" from Dec 1 to April 1. If winters continue to be like this one it won't be a big deal to stay where I am. Before I lock in for another year I'd just like to explore my options.



  4. I'll be fishing with Cliff in his boat and leaving mine at home. LOL! Probably won't change things too much as far as fishing plans go. I am looking around for a smaller car for commuting to work though. I figure I'm spending about $800 a month in gas now as it is and it would be nice to get that down a bit. Commuting in a full size truck isn't the easiest on the wallet.

  5. Thanks for the replies everyone.


    Roy - I'm not sure if the fishing is any better then it has been in the past but more being in the right place at the right time. However, this was the best day I've had in a while.


    CCMT - I think the hat theroy is gone out the door. LOL!


    007 - If you get back over to this side of the pond I 'll see if help you get over your "almost missing" the cold. lol!


    Terry - You can join us anytime. Hard or soft water.


    HH - Forgot about the guys being stuck. Kinda of a nice way to end a successful day by helping someone out. Seeing the wild turkeys was cool as well!


    Take care out there this weekend everyone, looks like a nasty one.

  6. Well it's been a crazy week but I'm finally getting around to doing up a report. Last Sunday I had the opportunity to get out with Headhunter and my buddy Ken. HH and I have been talking about doing this for quite some time and it was great to finally get out there and do it. We were on the ice around 7am and started to make our way out to spot. (Thanks Terry!) When we arrived it was a mini OFC G2G. It was certainly great to see the gang out there.


    After drilling some holes and setting up some lines, Ken has one on and looses it about half way up. Looks promising as Shelley pulls up one shortly afterwards. We had a bit of a slow spell well Chevy yells fish on and gets a nice whitey on the ice. Things seemed to slow right down even though there were still fish on the finder. After some discussion we decided to break away from the group. We decided we do a run and gun approach until we found some fish. First stop we drilled 3 holes and started fishing, this is when we decided the running part of our day was over. Marked tons of fish and Ken had several bumps. It was only a matter of a few of minutes when I had my first one of the day one.




    At this time I'd like to thank HH for not putting the gaff into my hand, that was close! lol! :thumbsup_anim:


    Then it was Ken's turn!




    Then I pulled up another for my limit. The action was GREAT!!! Well some of us were having a great time, HH was a little unhappy and made some gestures at me that were not very nice. I've got pictures but this is a family board so I better not post them. LOL! :whistling: Well it finally happens!!! HH is doing battle! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim: I run over to hole to lend a hand but before I get there the fish is gone, should have checked the drag I guess. :oops: By this time I've HH set up with the fishfinder, using my lure that I got my fish on, telling him how to jig to get the fish rising off the bottom chasing the lure and wouldn't you know it FISH ON!!! :thumbsup_anim: He took his time and played the fish like a pro. After a couple of minutes this was the reward! HH and his first whitefish!




    A couple of pics and back down the hole.




    As the front moved in the fishing slowed down and we decided to call it a day. The end results!




    A fantastic day with some good friends.

  7. Cliff :unsure: - You might be onto something there. I had just taken off the touque as it was getting a bit warm and BANG! :lol:


    Wayne - You actually threw something out? :w00t: I did that once on the girlfriends advice, she calls it purging, I think it's craziness. :whistling: Well I went through some old bits and pieces of stuff and off to the dump I went. The next weekend came and I needed a small piece of metal and I knew where I could get one........at the dump. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::D


    Thanks again for the replies.

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