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  1. WORK, FISH, TRAVEL... HUNT??!! There is that one constant which we all most likely share, and it is work. Nursing is my work. I am a Nurse. Snicker if you will, pass judgement, but know that this skin is purdy darned thickened to much after 20 years. Yet on Canada Day I quit my permanent job. Not wanting to fully settle into just ER medicine alone, nor accept and adapt to some current hospital scheduling practices and policies, after five years of trial it was apparent that walking away to roll the dice would be easier than continuing in a game I didn't really want to play anymore. The perfect reset was to take July and visit Great Slave with my wife and then afterwards pull a solo run to Nipigon. Once returning home in early August to my two employers as only a casual "free agent," the phone started ringing and just wouldn't stop. The month ended up one of the busiest in the past few years leaving but merely one day to fish. Yet thinking drought often follows flood, the days ahead I began to prepare for. Late August, my 2000 to 2010 James Bay employer under a new name and authority re-hired me on as a casual and I secured work for a 17-day contract (locum) come end of September into October. With jobs falling into place, it was decided last minute that time could be afforded for some fishing with my friend Len up on Lake Athabasca, before being shipped off to Northern Ontario for the locum. Everyday while north and taking just one full day off, I plugged away at the Nursing which has always been enjoyed most. By condensing all shifts too, and with a better rate on return, the 2.5 weeks figured the equivalent of about triple at home. This meant several things to me, I would be fine and my decision would work out, and this Autumn report would begin in Attawapiskat... It's like having a second home, or actually... even a third. Sometimes struggle with a few names but most know me and it's a rare thing I forget a face. Welcomed by many with open arms, even a number of new folks were quick to introduce themselves. It's a good place in this regard, and seeing many inlaws during my stay made Attawapiskat even better. Many times over I chuckled with old friends too, when they pointed out how fat I've become. (inside I was crying) First night there and the WIFI in the trailer crapped out, but I didn't care. Had a good book to read, "The Orenda," by Joseph Boyden and, also wanted to piece together the Athabasca report which could only at that time be hand written. CBC Radio and Wawatay are pretty well the only stations which can be tuned into Skat. Listening to either one takes my thoughts back to Moose Factory, and especially to driving on the ice road in the mornings and evenings to and from work in Moosonee. On local cable TV are the community channels as well, and it's watching those one can catch up on almost everything that is going on around the community. Many things about this kind of life around me cause changes. Instantly I begin to eat better, as it's all home-cooked meals and proper timed and balanced breakfasts. I sleep better, as it's quiet and closer to sea level, and with richer air. I move a little better, feeling less sluggish and stiff after sleep and manage to work through days with less tire. I think better, feeling more creative and motivated to especially read and write nearly every day. And I laugh more... probably because many people there seem to laugh more, or just want to laugh more in general. It's a close knit and quite social community, yet... while there I do miss my girls every single day, which makes staying any great length rather difficult. When time permitted during this past locum I'd go for a walk or drive in the hospital truck to explore and photograph the scenery around the outskirts of town. If only treated better, Attawapiskat would not be the third-world-like community which our National News often portrays it as. The land all around is pristine and incredible, and the town could be the crown jewel of it all, if only it adopted a higher respect and responsibility. A few short days available for those perfect autumn colors, the season was luckily captured in full glory. The old road to the Healing Lodge I once regularly walked in 2000 had been pretty well raped in recent years, excavated for dirt I am guessing to build the new school. The scenery has been destroyed, but beyond the Healing Lodge a new and long road out of town heading north is being built. Driving it in the future should take folks deep into the wilderness heading towards the Ekwan River. What was already established and new to me on this trip though, was a 12 kilometer road which stretched from town to the mouth of the Attawapiskat River, almost right to the James Bay shore. Along this route are many new sites to take in, and a couple of times I thoroughly enjoyed driving it's distance while stopping now and again to take photographs along the river. Coming off a Saturday night shift on-call, my brother-in-law Joe kindly offered to have me along with his boys for a Sunday afternoon goose hunt. I had only once been along with Joe in 2006 for some fall fishing and moose hunting, but I wasn't the hunter really, simply a passenger. Yet the chance opportunity to experience anything like this can still not be passed up, especially when it's with family I regretfully don't share enough time with. Excited I was to tag along on my first goose hunt. A strong north-wind on a grey day would be ideal to keep the birds moving through the area. From Attawapiskat we boated in Joe’s 24-foot freighter down river to the very tip of the river mouth where it meets the James Bay ocean. The tide low, the grasses along the bay were flat and moist, and with hip waders we could easily walk the mud and puddled fields. Small flocks were flying regularly while many were laid down on the land. Other hunters about, this actually helped lift some birds from their rest to often get them flying over our heads. Our being there did the same for others. Joe had been sicker than a dog all week and was hacking away to no end. His energy even sick and at 50 still astounds though, as to me he is like two men when hunting or traveling on the land and rivers. When I claimed that I may be a little useless to him out on a hunt because I don't hunt, he replied, "you fish don't you? So then you hunt!" I'll admit that made me smile. With Akimiski Island visible in the distance it was an absolute pleasure to spend the afternoon with Joe and my quiet nephews Nathan and Seth. Four snow geese and a Canada, plus two whitefish Seth found trapped in puddles after the last tide, the short hunt was a successful one and I learned much from Joe. On the way home with the tide coming in, we boated nearby back channels in search of signs for moose, but instead only saw a cruising beluga whale, maybe a dozen seals and numerous bald eagles soaring overhead. I'll let the pictures illustrate the afternoon. In about the time it takes me to drill two ice holes, set up the pop-up, get it cozy inside and start fishing, Joe found a split log which he laid on the grass parallel to a foot wide but hip deep irrigation channel running through the land. Gathering a number of twigs he shoved them into the ground then tied grass in bows onto those sticks. Sitting drier up on the log, feet dangling into the ditch, we were about the same height as the makeshift blind. The boys could easily shoot from sitting or by just stand up in the trench. I thought it was pretty cool. Niska. Tide coming in signals the end of the hunt. Can't sit in the water so off we went. The ride home was great too. Some of my hunting buddies tell me I'm pretty lucky to have experienced a goose hunt on James Bay. They're not kidding. Meegwetch Joe, Nathan & Seth, it was a very memorable day. I left Attawapiskat a happy man in more ways than one. To combine work with travel and have just enough time to squeeze in a few days out on the land to explore and live such moments is rather friggin' awesome. Continued...
  2. Hey there OFC Community! I've booked a fly-in fishing trip out of Wawa, Ontario at Pine Portage Lodge for the end of May. I'd seen the place featured on several shows over the years; Fish'n Canada, Fish TV & most recently on Canada In The Rough. All shows gave it stellar reviews. I had to check it our for myself. The fishing looks amazing, accommodations awesome & the owners are very friendly (met them at the Toronto Sportsman Show). Now to the important part. THE FISHING !! I'm looking for any tips for that body of water you can offer please. The lodge is located on Kabinakagami Lake, commonly known as "Kaby Lake". I have a few GPS points the shows mentioned, but more info is always better than less. Thanks in advance and I'll be sure to post a full report once I'm back. Thanks! Bassive @PescaInCanada
  3. Hi all. I have an upcoming trip to Eddie North's Beteau lake camp in August. Checking to see if anyone has been there this summer and how it was? Went 2 years ago and it was very shallow water, so I am wondering what the conditions are. We had great fishing 2 years ago and expect the same this year. Can't wait.
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