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  1. Hey Folks, I finally finished editing day 2 of 3 of my Carp adventure with my pals on Rice Lake. I hope you enjoy it!
  2. Hello, I am new to this board so I'll introduce myself: I am an avid fisherman and regular YouTuber heralding from the great city of North Bay. I go by the name Kokemachine and my youtube channel is called 4 Eel Fishing. My content is mostly fishing reports but I also enjoy making comedic and educational fishing animations. Anyway, I had the opportunity to visit Rice Lake this past spring on a quest for the giant brown beasts. My friends and I fished for 3 days on these carp filled waters and caught many greasy giants. All the fish were over 10lbs with our biggest at 26lbs. Here's my first vid from the trip with 2 more videos coming in the future. Hard Carpin' On Rice Lake (Day 1) For anyone who wants to try carp fishing but don't know where to start check out this animated video: Simple Rigging And Baits For Ontario Carp This pic is of one my buddies with his catch.
  3. It's been a while since i've posted. I liked to save up pictures for a season and then get enough to make a decent report. Its been a colder then normal spring here with a lot of rain. I have been fishing with the kids a lot and they have caught many new personal best fish including carp, channel and flat head carp and largemouth bass. We had a lot of fun and most of our fish were let go. This is my personal best flathead catfish. She was caught on a 1/16 ounce shad dart with 6lb line. Put up a crazy fight and took me about 20 minutes to land. This was my daughter's personal best flathead. She caught this on some corn bottom fishing for carp. This is my son's personal best channel catfish he caught on a small shad dart. He was struggling to hold the thing up. It put up a nice fight in the current. Another channel cat caught on a 2 inch twister tail jig. This is my son's biggest bass that we caught this spring. She was caught while we were fishing for crappie with a 1" gulp minnow on 4lb fine. It was an intense battle and we were able to land it! We let it go after a quick couple of pics. We don't have a bass season down here. I'm helping him hold the fish for perspective. . Another nice bass on a 1" gulp while crappie fishing. We also caught some nice shad! This was the biggest one that we landed this season. Nice american shad! We also caught some nice carp too on shad darts and light line! This one weighed 23lb and it was a long battle that we won! We also caught some nice crappie too! My first spring smallie. It was nice to get out on the creek!
  4. Two weekends ago went to a friends property on the maskinoge to do some carp fishing where I had greats luck! Last year I didn't catch many there but I did catch my biggest carp yet and as any carp fisher man/ woman knows gives a amazing fight and deserves a lot more respect then they get. I started Saturday around ten and seen tons of what we like to call carp bubbles in front of the dock so me and my buddy baited out hooks with some no name peaches and cream corn, casted out about six feet from the dock, chummed around our hooks and began the long wait for first bite. Around 12:00 we got our first bite which resulted in a loss of the carp due to low pound line and a bad rod ( I gave my good rod to my buddy and used my bad rod). After loosing the first carp of the year I went to the truck and grabbed the girlfriends brand new rod that I had just spooled and she has not yet used and went back to catch my carp. After a half an hour of catching small mud cats my line finally went slack and I knew I had a carp on so I reeled in the line and set hook... Fish on!!!! I fought it for about two minutes got it to the dock and my first carp of 2015 was in hands. Pictures were taking he was released and back at it I went and loosing two more I was really disappointed until I seen the line moving slowly and at the last second I realized that I have another fish so as I went to grab the rod it got pulled into the water! In disappointment I cussed a lot and pretty much gave up for the day. I called my best bud Gallie and told him what happened and that I was giving up and going to buy the girlfriend a new rod. After five minutes of him telling me to put a heavy weight with a treble hook and cast around trying to catch the rod I finally agreed and listened to his advice. After the third cast I felt something heavy( and with 50 lb braid I cranked the drag) I reeled in a thick peice of wire and at the end was the rod I had lost! I grabbed the rod cleaned it up a bit and noticed there was weight on the end so I reeled in and bam! The carp was still on the hook! Got some good pics and ended the day with nothing but smiles!... The next weekend I went back out with two buddy's and ended up pulling in a large amount of carp during mid day. The afternoon got really slow and we all felt like quiting until I notice my friends line moving very slowly (Brett fish on I yelled) he grabbed his rod and started fighting but it wasn't the same fight as a carp not as much strength and with polarized glasses I notice it wasn't a carp but a bowfin. He got the bowfin in and which was very exciting due to the fact we didn't catch anything for hours and I've never seen one before( exspecially with the neon green belly). All in all a great two weekends fishing P.s pics are to big to load on so I'll have to add them to my album tomorrow
  5. 2014 was a bumpy ride. I lost a co-worker and friend to cancer, almost lost the farm, was diagnosed with a hernia and what the doctor described as extreme carpal tunnel in both hands, plus as usual I had way too many projects on the go. Looking back I have been lucky to get in a few great outings during 2014. Every year I set new fishing goals. This time it was getting some trout on the fly rod that sits in the corner of my office collecting dust. The other was catching some of those carp that have been breaking me off while fishn for crappie this spring. Goal 1: TROUT ON THE FLY About 5 or 6 yrs ago I was handed a handsome bonus from work and decided to blow it all on a new 5wt Sage fly rod and reel that looked nice and shiny to me. 5 or 6 yrs later and you still wouldn't want to be anywhere close to me while I'm expertly tying wind knots with this thing. This year is it...the year of the fly. So far its trolling streamers quite well. lol First trip of the spring would be for speckled trout. First I almost lost the truck to some type of quick sand shiz. Then I had to chop through giant pines scattered across the road with dullest ax known to man. Then I had to convince myself that I was not having a heart attack as I climbed the never ending hill loaded down with all my gear. The result.....My biggest speck yet on the fly rod. Second one at 22 Brought one home for the table along with some fresh wild garlic. Second trip of the spring was for splake. The weather was looking foul but after the previous trip I was itching for more trout on streamers. I rolled out of the gates heading for a favorite hump and on the first pass, wham! First splake on the fly rod. 15mins later and I was into second nice sized splake. The only problem was the little electric could not compete with the building wind. With couple smaller splake and a bass released I decide to call it before the random 50km gust sunk my ship. Unfortunately that would be it for trout trips this summer. Squeezed in a quick evening trip for walleye with Bunk but found the lake was not yet ripe with the late spring. Although a tough bite I did manage to catch one decent eye. Finished an over due project between outings. While at the locale clinic for an earache the question popped up. Doc-Whats your family doctors name? Me-Its been yrs since I've had one. Doc-Would you like me to be yours? Me-Sure. Time for my first physical in years. lol Turns out the hearts O.K. I have an umbilical hernia and carpel tunnel in both hands or extreme carpel tunnel as the lady in neurology described it. With all the bad news I decided on some comfort food for my heightened state of emotion and a few episodes of........ CARPEL TUNNEL CARPING!!! Most importantly chum the desired area and don't forget a little comfort food like some Chubby Chicken. Carping was hot, humid, and just plain sweaty awesome. Major reel peel as these fish tear off! Reminds me of salmon as you just sit there and let them do that initial run while watching your reel and wondering if it has enough line. Only thing better than comfort food is snuggling up in your own favorite carp blanket. I decided if I was going to catch the general, I would need to change tactics. Goal number 2.......Terminated! Ended the last month of the summer working on the house and even got in on the fall muskie hunt with Bunk. A true stand up type of fisher bud offering me first fish and netting me the only muskie of the trip. For the the first time in yrs I did not visit the locale trout lakes in the fall but instead used up some Air Miles on a last minute bucket list trout trip. A trip that will deserve its own report now that I have caught up on the rest of 2014.
  6. Well last month I had the opportunity to fish some new water and for a new species. I have never really targeted for carp before but this was a good chance for me to give it a go. Now bring on the chrome and Quinte gold!
  7. Hard to believe that 2013 is almost half way through. This forum and its members have always been helpful to me when I've had questions and whatnot. It's always a pleasure to share photos we all love. I don't really post much anymore... so here's what I've been up to since the beginning of 2013 to make up for my absence. First ice. Always head out for panfish as we wait for safe ice on bigger water. This year, my buddies and myself decided to do some exploring with new water and it didn't disappoint. Lake trout. Once Simcoe freezes over, we usually stick with these aggressive fish until season closes. This year was special. Truly the year of the lakers. Got my PB, and the numbers of fish caught was amazing! Everything seemed to work. Definitely my best season on the ice for lakers hands down. Even managed a "rare" whitefish that have seemed to disappear! Last ice. More slab crappies. Spring steelhead. After winter laker season closes, I usually dedicate my time on the river chasing fresh chrome steelhead. Trout opener. I'm not a huge fan of fishing for spawned out dropback steelhead. With the late spring we had, I was hoping for more fresh fish, but all the fish caught were rather dark and on their way back down to the lake. Still got a good number of fish and had a good day on the water. Spring crappie. I've been going after crappie for about 25 years now. Seems like the fishing keeps getting better. Or maybe I'm getting better at it. Back when I was a little kid, my dad used to bring me out around Georgian Bay and Simcoe areas - they were the only areas where crappie were available. Now that they have spread throughout the Kawarthas, we have endless options. I managed my PB this spring. A feisty fish that measured 15.5". On this day, the fish were everywhere...but were very finicky. My buddy and myself carefully creeped up on these fish in a quiet electric powered sportspal canoe and we still had a hard time getting them to commit. Finally, we found out that the solution was to downsize.... significantly. I wish I had my 5wt fly rod...would've got a lot more fish with that for sure. Anyways...fishing over about 10fow and the fish hit at 6" beneath the surface. Thought it was a bass at first. We shouted and hollered as the fish came into the canoe. Good times. This year, a lot of 13"+ fish were boated. We've made it our mission to avoid dinks/crowds and specifically target larger sized slabs. I've also made a new goal recently - I want to get into white crappie. I know they are found in the Niagara area and more southwest. If anyone has got any tips or suggestions, let me know. Spring walleye. I was taught the technique of the bucktail last year. It looked so awkward at first and I had a hard time picturing it in my head how it would work. But the results proved it was the way for weedy walleye! This year was the same. Although I spent time with plastics and cranks as well. Lots of slot sized fish and a few bonus bigger sized ones. Spring pike. Always fun casting for pike with cranks and jerkbaits. Unfortunately, no monsters this spring. I'm not big into muskie fishing and have never went out specifically for them. Usually always get at least 1 or 2 accidentally while targetting other species. Perhaps I should give it a serious go one of these days. Spring carp. As spring comes to an end and summer begins, the crappie/walleye/pike fishing seems to go bland. Just doesn't excite as much as earlier in the season. Best solution is to turn things around and go for big carp! I've only been out once this year, but the excitement with the screaming runs and the tough fights these fish put out will draw me back in for sure. These fish don't get enough credit. I'm always a believer in changing things up and keeping it interesting....which is why being a multispecies angler is the way to go! You can see behind me in the following pics - 2 guys in a nice bass boat...drifting the same run over and over again trying to hook up with some walleye. Each pass they made, we were battling nice carp while they watched. Didn't look like they were having much success. Made me glad I was on the bank with a couple buddies, chatting, eating, sleeping, and most importantly... catching nice big carp! That's it for now. Bass is just around the corner. Topwater is one of my favourite ways to fish for them. I can't wait. I'll have to dust off and prep my frog setup. I didn't get a chance to head out for resident trout either. Hopefully I will get into some of that before the vegetation gets to be too much. More of this to come in the following weeks.
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