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  1. Latest post is up https://www.northernjacks.com/post/disconnecting-outside Its a little different. Recently I have realized how often I check my phone and don't pay enough attention to what I am doing Flip side of that is when I am enjoying any of the things I love to do outdoors like fishing, kayaking, camping or even golfing I never even glance at my phone. I mean on our fly in trips if I use it its as a camera only. Since I generally feel much better after one of these trips and do some of my best thinking it made me think of the health and wellness benefits of just getting out there and disconnecting Cheers Andrew
  2. Hello everyone, I recently stumbled upon McCrae lake whilst looking for a spot to do a 4 day kayak fishing trip. At first all seemed well and it looked like a great spot to go. But after reading some of the posts on these forums it seems that the lake has become overrun on most weekends by partiers and the fishing isn't quite as good as I would hope. So I was hopinh for some feedback, is McCrae lake really that bad? Some were saying theres garbage and broken glass everywhere and on weekends you'll be kept up till 5AM because of the shouting and such, And if it is that bad, is there a better place to go? withing a hour or two of the barrie area? Im looking for somewhere where I can kayak/portage in and spend the rest of the time fishing a lake or river or both. Any feedback would be awesome. Thanks. [EDIT] I will be going this summer. figured I should clarify that.
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